Check back in in a month
Edit: it’s been 10 days now, but things ain’t goin so hot are they?
Check back in in a month
Edit: it’s been 10 days now, but things ain’t goin so hot are they?
Yeah, you got to skip over the “getting the wire there” part. If you wanted to replace all that line with cat 5e or cat6 so you can get full duplex gigabit speeds it’d be a much harder task than slapping some rj-45 end onto some old cat 5.
$300 in labor is wildly optimistic and true for a simple cable run, maybe
If run probably even a “short” run will typically be at least 20ft. Think, from a wall plate, up an 8ft wall, across a crawl space, down another 8ft wall.
Not all cable runs are simple
Yeah this kinda overlooks a lot of the issues with like… getting a cable somewhere
Lot of certainty in this comment without much knowledge
I just can’t tolerate scrolling through an entire page of sponsored ads to maybe find what I’m looking for buried under the same SEO article on five different websites
Is “Balkanizing” a better term?
Wage theft
“At will” employment, woohoo!
Employees have to let you leave to vote.
They can also fire you the next day for a coincidentally unrelated reason, and unless you have 50k in lawyers retainers handy there’s not shit you can do about it
I’ve been meaning to grab another audiobook series after I finish exfor, is the bobiverse any good?
If you have to ask you can’t afford it.
People buying 30k bottles of wine are generally the kinds of people that don’t have a “credit limit” like we’re used to. They probably also have people that go get that wine for them, and likely pay by credit card or check.
Way before TikTok yeah. I remember almost the exact same headlines like 15 years ago in middle school.
I remember this being a thing before tik tok
This 100% comes down to funding and available talent on a regional level.
But he did it while black. Important detail for conservatives.
The “provided devices” is the important part of that sentence
It’s all comes down to money and assets. The way it works in the US is, broadly, they get half of your shit unless you signed a prenup.
This is ironically a callback to old school patriarchal structures where a woman divorcing her husband often did not have any marketable skill sets because they were housewives. The courts saw fit to have the husband continue providing for them until they are self supporting- conceptually.