My two very different favorites are:
- Deinocheirus,
who looks like a megafauna version of a character from Sesame Street - Hatzegopteryx,
who would just swallow you.
My two very different favorites are:
It sure looks cozy. But we are adults and this is the reality we live our actual life’s in. We need to take part in it.
Maybe screens really are the opiate of the masses, watching stuff happening, like some sort of half-life.
“Die Ereignisse von 1933 bis 1945 hätten spätestens 1928 bekämpft werden müssen. Später war es zu spät. Man darf nicht warten bis der Freiheitskampf Landesverrat genannt wird. Man darf nicht warten, bis aus dem Schneeball eine Lawine geworden ist. Man muss den rollenden Schneeball zertreten. Die Lawine hält keiner mehr auf. Sie ruht erst, wenn sie alles unter sich begraben hat.”
~ Erich Kästner, 1958
Pussies are pretty tough though. Balls on the other hand … too warm, too cold, don’t touch me, you’ll hurt me. :)
Well, if you can’t then don’t!
No meat, no planes and no unnecessary Amazon purchases still applies. Be the change you want to see in the world. Or are just looking for an excuse like the billionaires and everyone else?
I like this debate, yet it’s getting long and complex, this would be better face to face. That’s why I’m picking only one topic:
One hemp bag needs to be used +1000 times to replace a thousand plastic bags in co2 emissions (they degrade, so at least they don’t kill sea animals, though). I have like 50 of them at home (bought none of them). Recycling is a lie as well, most stuff is still useless.
My point is: People are all for saving the planet as long as it’s as easy as buying a different or even a new product. People love to consume. But we won’t save anything with this mentality. We need to go NO THANKS! and stop habits that really affect us. Kroger shipping produce is not the problem, look at the first graph here, the stuff millions eat daily is. So, no more flying, no more meat, no more Amazon, we need to ostracize this behavior. Clean energy, public transport, EV, you money at an ethical bank is great if you can afford it and will get us a long way.
Again: I know this won’t save us and I’m all for canceling fossil destroyers, holding billionaires accountable and putting CEOs in jail. But it’s much easier to change yourself than to change Tylor Swift.
Yes, there is a difference between the elite and the lower class, but it’s only in resources and opportunities. If both sides switched positions the lower class people would go for exactly the same fun as the elite is having right know. Because that’s the way we are born and raised, greedy and selfish. Purging a couple of assholes and replacing them with fresh soon-to-be assholes won’t solve this. Our mindset needs to change. We need to agree on what is important, what is enough and what’s obscene.
I agree so very much.
People around me fly on holidays by plane like two, three times a year, still eat meat, shower twice a day and buy shit they don’t need from Amazon, because they can. This needs to stop! Will it save us? Of course not, but who else is going to stop the global suicide machine? Trump? The fossil destroyers? Do you want to protest another 70 years or go blow up a pipeline?
We are billions, we have the power of “No, thanks, I don’t want that” every fucking day but the endless consumption of stuff is too tempting. Instead, we sit at home, comfortably warm, well fed and lonely, in front of our seethrough plexiglas RGB LED computers and point fingers at corporations that are exactly as greedy, selfish and irresponsible as every single one of us.
NO THANKS! This could be the easiest global movement, no violence, no riots, yet corporations would be powerless. But you’d need to change, and you don’t want that.
Edit: If you downvote, please tell me where I’m wrong and what’s your counter-proposal in this actual situation right now.
What is this meme template called? I always chuckle at the different topics but don’t know anything about where it comes from.
I don’t agree, but I see your point. Still, the green party is the only german party that honestly understands what climat change will do to us in the coming centuries. I trust their will and promise to do something about it. Politics is always compromises. So, even if I don’t agree with some things they do, I will vote for them until we get a green chancellor. We can still split about many topics and opinions afterwards.
No green in the picture and the guys polo says DIE LINKE, so it’s probably the leftists
is #22 on the Vegan Bullshit Bingo:
No, they do not. There is no serious study to suggest that they do. Plants do not have a brain or central nervous system. At most, they respond to stimuli. If you really care that much about the welfare of plants, you should go vegan, since many more plants “die” for animal feeding. Do you feel bad while mowing your lawn? And would you rather rescue a potted plant than a dog from a burning house? Is docking pig tails the same as branch trimming to you? Question upon question…
This is wrong. Nearly all (source) of the soy the Amazonas gets destroyed for is animal feed. We give about one third of the global grain we produce to animals, we could end global hunger if we’d give it to humans. Plus we could reforest vast regions, so we don’t die, as a species. Go vegan please.
This was one incident a hundred years ago. Kinda strange, I have to admit. But do you know why PETA kills so many animals? And do you know that the whole story was published by the dairy industry?
Oh no, it’s you again. I remember talking to you, commie. :)
Is this your reply? Picking words instead of staying in the conversation? Alright:
We pay slaves to kill animals for us because we are accustomed to the taste. What now?
So animals living a happy life without humans making them suffer is good? We both want that, right?
You need to watch both seasons of the BBC’s Prehistoric Planet