So, you agree with OP? There is not an argument against it here.
So, you agree with OP? There is not an argument against it here.
We usually fly AA on flights to Europe. We live near KC, so our choices are AA or United (IIRC). And we prefer AA’s time schedule. Outside of major cities there is little choice to many destinations.
Those taking first class are often traveling on a company’s dime or using credit card points.
Trickle down is a political term. Economists know that wealth trickles up. It is only moved back down with taxes. Non-economists have a saying for this, “the rich get richer”. Economists have a formula for this: r > g
Trucks that do 1 or 2 foods are not that uncommon. We have a fish and chip truck and a glazed donut truck. But none are cheap.
In the US these are done state by state with little consistency. The rivers and streams here in KS are all muddy and graded accordingly. But when they cross into MO they are suddenly pristine.
That is not correct. The Antarctic gained far less ice, but it did gain.
Not saying it is right, but shopkeepers can legally detain customers long enough to figure out if a theft happened. They have to have a reason to suspect it, though.
Why do I hear this in Jar Jar’s voice?
Yes. Could you imagine that happening at highway speed?
Most small gardens are not profitable. But it is therapeutic and the food tastes better.
They would likely not get all of the previous special allowances back. Especially having a separate currency.
Memmy has a setting to hide NSFW by default and a setting to blur content. I rarely click it because it opens in safari.
They have added the blue jump button. It makes it hard to upvote comments at the bottom, but love that it is there.
Venmo is PayPal 2.0 (and owned by PayPal). X is a distant 3, 4, or 5 place.
They merged with PayPal, booted Musk from leadership, and killed off what musk was working on to keep PayPal.
Los Alamos is worth a visit. The lab is locked down (a road goes through it, you are not supposed to take pictures), but there are a couple really neat museums. One of the retired age volunteers at the museum asked us how deep of a discussion we wanted. He went down a deeep rabbit hole of chemistry and mechanical bomb design. It was obvious he had strong knowledge of how atom bombs worked. It was glorious. And the boys boarding school is also neat.
While I also feel it is weird, I strongly believe marrying kids (<18) should be illegally nationally with no exceptions. I have personally witnessed lives destroyed.