Hey thanks for the great website. Are you able to make it search on button click instead of after each character is typed? There is a large amount of lag for me on mobile while trying to type, leading to lots of typos.
Hey thanks for the great website. Are you able to make it search on button click instead of after each character is typed? There is a large amount of lag for me on mobile while trying to type, leading to lots of typos.
For what it’s worth I recommend linux mint. There is a gui for graphics driver installs. You click the yes please button and you’re done 😊
Yeah I have it downloading to a folder which is monitored by Jellyfin, makes the whole process automated. Protip, set the MEDIA FORMAT string to sort into season folders, and have the filename look like the way you normally format season-episode, so that Jellyfin sorts it properly. I use: Season {yyyy}/{source_full} - {yyyy}x{mm}{dd} - {title_full}.{ext} Unfortunately I’ve been having issues with filenames atm, tracked under https://github.com/meeb/tubesync/issues/371
I spent an entire weekend troubleshooting nvidia drivers on raw debian, specifically mint has really good driver support.