Artificial scarcity enforced by capitalism.
In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.
Artificial scarcity enforced by capitalism.
Not unintuitive for lack of trying - some big minds tried hard and failed. Jerome Bruner, Seymour Papert, Alan Kay, Bret Victor.
Alan and Bret are mentioned in the “Sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration”:
Amiga user: “Everyone knows the floppy save, but how do you save to the hard drive?”
Save to folder:
C-cassette player:
Ford Model T came with a complete manual for disassembly, maintenance, and repair. It made a generation of Americans fluent in mechanics who then went on to win World War II, to the Moon, and higher up skyscrapers than ever.
“Learn this as a child:”
“Do this as an adult:”
Never again. Right to repair doesn’t do much when the manual is so expensive only brand-dedicated repair shops can afford it.
Wouldn’t be a problem if someone took dating as seriously as Skyscanner takes flight tickets.
Could be a publicity stunt by a nearly forgotten brand.
Neutron activation is the only common way that a stable material can be induced into becoming intrinsically radioactive.
This may have had something to do with it.
Why would a development environment show you code in a different style from what you like? It’s a simple conversion.
Why would your IDE show you code in a language other than you prefer? It’s just a conversion.
Even my web browser shows any text in languages I can read, but for some reason it doesn’t let me edit a document through the translation.
Grown up in Microsoft-contorted concept space, hard to think of anything better. Thinking limited incremental, starting from a bad place.
Free yourself, unlearn, wash eyes, air the brain, make a clean slate, pure design, intuitive for a new generation of children, helping all life.
The sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration