Username fucking checks out.
Username fucking checks out.
If there are out gays who don’t face much or any persecution, I would call that a victory for the cause worth celebrating! Remember Alan Turing. Remember Harvey Milk. Both of them were white gays who paid dearly for having the audacity to be themselves. Racism is unbecoming. It’s divisive. I think it’s important to show solidarity to all humans struggling to be themselves under oppressive systems.
Exactly. The use of “female” is clinical in that context. It’s meant to be sterile, emotionless, professional, and adequately descriptive.
They are spotlights, usually used for peering into dimly lit alleys and things like that while driving slowly by.
Psicochurroz 2023 MMXXIII
They’re gunning for the user, whom they wish to exploit. The user clings to FLOSS alternatives in an attempt to avoid having their data harvested, analyzed, weaponized, and leveraged against the user for profit.
I went two wheels! My moto gets excellent fuel economy without the use of exotic metals like a hybrid or EV does. It was also way cheaper to buy than a car. Sometimes my parking is less of an impact, too because I can park in the landscaping islands in some parking lots if it’s busy and I’m sneaky about it. One must be a very diligent and defensive rider and wear protective gear when riding. Having a different perspective about traffic flow helps with safety as well. Going slow for a bit after a stop while everyone else rushes ahead is a great way to keep traffic away from oneself. Also, having all the lights has helped everyone see me. No more cars pulling in front anymore. Don’t be an arse, be extremely vigilant, and respect the machine. These rules have helped me so far. Many motorcyclists don’t do that and have really skewed statistics and perception, I think.
I was going to if someone else hadn’t!
Don’t forget to bring a towel!