And then donate to the devs directly?
I mean… Most of the places near me a burger with a sides is typically like $13 - $16 and I am definitely in the Midwest…
Uh… You don’t need anything other than that Buc-ees.
This is answered in the previous thread. Marked as duplicate.
Woah woah woah… We need to BTFU and reevaluate our test methodology. No one defined what “pizza” is in this case…
Are we saying the whole pie, crust and all? Or are we saying ratio of crust to filling? This equation is flawed.
RTX in Spider-Man/Miles Morales on PC was… Amazing.
Being able to see yourself swinging by windows in realtime, shadows from buildings…
It was worth the FPS hit.
Don’t worry. S42 is feature complete.
Fun fact. -40 degrees is the same in both C and F, and is also called “January” where I live.
Weird. It takes 6-7 hours to go from Minneapolis to the Canadian border… So would you have been driving like Arrowhead to Morehead on back roads?
What about Chile fries? (I jest).
For context, this research paper was also pre-pandemic.
On average, CEO salaries jumped about 30% since this research was released. Here is an updated article by the EPI EPI Research
Also for context - on 1965, average CEO-to-worker salary ratio was 20:1, and in 1985 it was 59:1.
Not it’s almost 400:1.
Not just the ocean. There are lakes large enough of this effect to happen.