It amazes me the only two people willing to take a shot at him were right-wing nutjobs. Where are the leftist lunatics?
It amazes me the only two people willing to take a shot at him were right-wing nutjobs. Where are the leftist lunatics?
It’s what the kids are using in place of “God damn” when referring to something impressive.
Isn’t art about uh… Expressing yourself?
Was it the one where you get the fairy from Zelda following you around till you die?
I thought this post was about sexual assault on women and went “makes sense”…
If buying isn’t owning then piracy isn’t stealing.
The hypocrite removes videos and other content at the behest of his other authoritarian buddies. Like in Turkey. If you ask me, safety should’ve just blocked and banned twitter from Australia.
I searched and the only update I can find is that Apple managed to get the gross negligence and fraud by non-disclosure complaints dismissed along with the request for punitive damages. All locked behind a paywall though. Case is Gordoa v. Apple Inc et al, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, No. 3:22-cv-02900 for anyone that has paid access to legal databases.
That may or may not have participated in the time honoured qld police tradition of picking up aboriginal youth and dumping them in the middle of nowhere to walk home.
The ex-PM of Australia allegedly shat himself at McDonald’s in Engadine. Allegedly. There’s a plaque.
The “tahun baru cina” thing used in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei isn’t uncommon or disused btw. It’s the term used by the native Malay population because Malay is the official language in those countries. A term not used by the cultures celebrating this lunar new year.
We’ve always had those. They’re called “serviced apartments”.
I had to look really closely cause I really thought it was a Mazda.