As someone who has been both, happy is easier when skinny than it is when fat. There is that popular mantra “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”.
As someone who has been both, happy is easier when skinny than it is when fat. There is that popular mantra “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”.
That’s the “obvious plant” logo. A search of “obvious plant dylan” comes up with many much higher quality sources. Without needing to know how to reverse image search. “Dylan meme” also finds versions of it without needing to recognise the logo.
I know it’s a joke, but that thing is just a thin fiberglass shell. It’ll make very little difference in a collision.
It gets worse, melting chocolate over the sprouts, and then adding the nut crumble makes them look exactly the same…
I’m not sure I like milk as an analogy to torrenting, as a healthy torrent has the users uploading too…
Hehe, yeah. I think for me, it mostly comes down to the bacon. I can think of reasons why everything else would change. But any story I can come up with for why all the bacon pieces are completely different from the first one is less likely than if these are two separate meat babies. Ultimately, obviously, it doesn’t matter either way. But I think it’s more likely they are two separate babies from different times. Rather than that something happened to the first bacon diaper that necessetated throwing it out and making an entirely different one out of new pieces of bacon.
Specifically, the way the arms and legs changed doesn’t make sense for just meat shrink. And the diaper is completely different strips of bacon. Not only wrapped differently, but not contaning any of the same pieces of bacon even in different positions.
Must have done it twice, cuz those are completely different meat babies. Even accounting for the meat shrinking and changing a bit as it cooked, the result shot is not the actual result of the before shot. Not that it really matters… just noticed it and wanted to share, lol.
Yeah, and those genius scientists expect us to believe that just being near certain rocks can hurt you… but being near certain crystals can’t heal you? I mean, come on, that’s practically the same thing. It even loosely follows some science words I heard one time: something about “equal but opposite reaction”, probably totally fits. I’mma do a blog post.
/s of course. But I went on long enough I feel like it could easily have gotten lost in there.
Just so anyone that had to suffer through this knows, the company that makes them, that you have to order them through, always makes sure to remind buyers that they will likely need at least 10% left handed ones too. Because, of course, they made left-handed ones. If your school didn’t have left-handed ones or didn’t have enough, that was a choice they made.
That sentiment they manufactured is exactly what I was, apparently inexpertly, lampooning.
Hehe yeah, “Sure, you could buy perfect diamonds grown in lab conditions that are way prettier than anything we could offer for way cheaper, or you could buy our authentically dirty or broken diamonds to -prove- you paid way more money to anyone that looks close enough to notice. Won’t they be jealous of how rich you were”.
We like to use the Mandarin X pronunciation, for a popular example: Xiaomi is pronounced “Show Me”.
Yeah, part of it was that smoking cigarettes was absolutely off the table. Almost no upside, all downside. And we were kids long before vapes was a thing, but that would certainly have fallen under the same umbrella. They were both addicted to nicotine for decades and could definitely attest to how hard it was to quit. They both did eventually manage, but it was pretty obvious how big of a deal it was for them, with alot of failed attempts.
Weed is for sure not a great idea for teens, but that wasn’t known at the time. And part of it not being taboo meant that none of us ended up being habitual anyway. But yeah, certainly had they known that at the time it would have been added to the con list for it.
Being so out of touch with your kid is one of the main ways to create attention seeking behaviour. Not the only way, of course, but it’s still generally a bad idea to have no relationship with your kids.
My parents knew exactly what we were up to, and in most cases, our first time experimenting with anything like that was supervised by our parents. They wanted to make sure we knew what we were getting into and how to be safe despite taking risks like that. They didn’t really have to worry about me, I’m Autistic and have no interest in drinking or smoking anything, but my older brother and the older of my younger sisters very much partook in any of the safer recreational substances. One advantage of talking with your kids about this stuff is that when you warn them which ones are actually the problem, they have no reason not to trust your advice. There are some “not even once” drugs. There are some “you gotta try it once” drugs, and there are some “it’s not a good way to spend your money, but otherwise fun” drugs.
Me personally, drug of choice is videogames. Way cheaper high. Though it can be habit forming, make sure it never feels like a priority over doing real-life stuff.
This would be per session, not lifetime.
I think the whole point is that the surface of the sun is a surprisingly attainable temperature, still super high, but not unimaginable. It’s like reasonable hyperbole, rather than so crazy high you can’t even begin to understand it.
Well, I suppose it’s about distribution and power levels. I mean currently my whole house is lit by LED, just in traditional sockets. But they aren’t expensive. And LEDs are more power efficient at lower power than their max. So having 10’000 leds that are rated for 0.5 watt each, running at 10% of that, wouldn’t be that expensive to run. About 500 watts plus the inefficiency of the system as a whole. But would be a similar or greater total amount of light as my current bulbs.
The initial upfront cost will certainly be the main cost issue. And yeah, acrylic panels is what I was thinking for diffusing. I don’t need it to feel like a wall, but I would need to know if drywall has some immutable property I would need to replicate, or at least make sure is still something that acrylic would take care of.
Edit: it looks like drywall is primarily used due to it’s flame resistance. So I would probably want to keep it. Acrylic is technically tough to ignite, but once it does ignite, it burns vigorously. So that is probably the main problem. Even keeping drywall behind it, acrylic covering every wall could be a very bad idea in the case of a fire hot enough to get it started.
Edit 2: Frosted tempered glass would be fine in that regard, but significantly more expensive. Ah wells, my VR house will have to have it instead. Much cheaper to do in VR, lol.
Sort of, but skinny when older still makes it easier to be happy. I am only 41 so far, but in hanging out with people older than me, it still held pretty consistent for them.
The main problem, of course, is that losing weight (or not putting it on in the first place) is not straightforward. So many people will tell you to “just simply…” not how it works. It’s complex as hell and varies a surprising amount from person to person. You could go to multiple experts for help before finding a solution for everything that was in your way specifically. But everyone acts like it should just be a simple thing “you just aren’t balancing your input and output”, or whatever their one simple trick is.
There could be any of hundreds of things in the way.