Actually, Rebels is supposed to take place between the Reva show and ANH, and he’s depicted as cartoon Alec Guinness there.
Actually, Rebels is supposed to take place between the Reva show and ANH, and he’s depicted as cartoon Alec Guinness there.
It always amuses me that we’re supposed to believe that in the span of 5 years Obi-wan goes from looking like Ewan McGregor to looking like Alec Guinness.
It figures that the one time Detect Mimic really was a false positive, she got a C textbook out of it.
I have a MOLE?!!
Apparently President Loser’s entire administration was self-medicating the whole time, so they’re way ahead of you there.
Upvoting because Earthbound.
I dunno, man. Gravity denial seems like a self-correcting problem, so maybe we’d be better off if there were more of them.
Sir, you are mistaken. Aladdin was a street rat who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. This carpet is the property of Prince Ali (mighty is he!) Ababwa. Totally different person.
If you’re going to apply that restriction you might as well go whole hog and also apply the “new world runs on shitty JRPG mechanics” part that also plagues modern isekai too.
To be fair, for at least the first couple years, your cost-of-living expenses are also essentially zero if you’re single, since you’ll be staying in the barracks and eating in the mess hall without having to pay anything out of pocket. So that $35k stretches a lot further than it would outside the military.
My main controller is the 8bitdo sf30 pro, which as basically the Super Famicom controller but with sticks and extra buttons for modern functionality labels them Start and Select, as ordained by heaven.
This is not a problem if you drive at the speed limit. Then what happens is that everyone else, who will be speeding, will continually pass you and thus create more car lengths in front of you. Unless you’re in a no passing zone on a two lane road, in which case they can follow the speed limit for once.