Just a reminder but the bourgeoisie are the “middle class”, and that the CEO who was killed is part of a capitalist oligopoly.
The bourgeoisie haven’t been targeted here, an aristocrat has.
Just a reminder but the bourgeoisie are the “middle class”, and that the CEO who was killed is part of a capitalist oligopoly.
The bourgeoisie haven’t been targeted here, an aristocrat has.
I’ve heard the story, and it is perfect but my brain absolutely struggles to read it. It manages to sound close while being mostly wrong, haha.
Pet Sematary, two A’s one E.
The name has irked me for ages, it’s so wrong and so famous, haha.
I’m very proud of you, it is so fuckin’ hard, and you did it :)
Well, I recently lost, like, 50% of my credibility as an intellectual as I stopped smoking.
Hey, congrats!
ourtant c’est plutôt commun au Québec. Ça s’enchaîne pas comme les sacres liturgiques mais c’est bien utilisé. Quelque chose peut être fucké. Une personne peut être fuckée. C’est fucking chiant. Fuck ça! Juste, fuck!
Au Canada, le juron francais que j’entends est ‘tabarnak’, ‘calice’, ‘ostie’ au lieu de ‘fuck.’
(So I was surprised)
She actually used English (for ‘fuck’ anyway), which surprised me.
Hello, Wisconsin!
Holy shit, forty three year old millennial here and I actually got it right.
Now to celebrate with a nice ibuprofen for my back.
If I got there quick enough I could catch the last few minutes of Jem.
Truly outrageous.
Haha, my father and I did that for Battle of Britain and… Mines of Titan, I think, was the other one.
It would take “you get fucking shot” long for them to figure out it was Air Bud?
I would bet my next paycheck that Taylor Swift gets at least one order of magnitude more death threats on a daily basis than Elon Musk. At least.
I worked in video games, and at one company there were five game designers, one of them a woman, the rest men.
I think she got a death/rape/etc threat once a week. One of the other designers had never even been messaged, and another designer was also the Community Manager. So, despite one guy being the literal face of the company, the single named woman on the design team got almost every single threat.
She left the industry, which is worse for it, but I don’t think anyone thought she made the wrong choice.
Absolutely, I just meant that the inhuman monster who was killed wasn’t bourgeoisie, he was an aristocrat. These are rich families that stay rich by exploiting the poor and (few remaining) bourgeoisie.
In end stage capitalism you’re oligarchy, poor, or soon to be one of the two.