What roads did you take? A majority of that is dualed.
What roads did you take? A majority of that is dualed.
We have Ikea in the UK , which is a single track that meanders through the store. It forces you through every aisle. There are exits and shortcuts built into to it, but they do not make them obvious. I absolutely refuse to shop there. The few times I have been in the store has always left me angry for wasting my time.
At least when a king or empire extracted money
They really did not. You may have had one or two that wanted more for the country. Most were just greedy shithouses who could not care at all. Unless they needed bodies for a war OFC, then the dynamic changes.
It was to make the male seem more important. Even in English the word “woman” comes from “wife man”. Everything was about the pecking order in history. Gender bias was a major part of that.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
That worked well with Hitler didn’t it?
People are idiots who follow a crowd. Give me one justification for the Kardashians. Look at how long it took for gay rights laws. And then look at how long it is taking for those laws to be accepted. We still see homophobic and racial acts today. Relying on the good of people is simply crass.
O aye so who should make that call?
This is provided those beliefs are not offensive. If someone finds those practises offensive then do them out of the view of the public.
Religious violence should have a law encompassing this. People should never be allowed to use religion as an excuse to use violence: this is why we have a legal system. I do not understand why most countries in Europe are tolerant on this when it comes to the Muslim and Jewish communities.
Oil companies are gouging the planet and Microsoft has no real competition. That doesn’t hold much water imo.
Monopolies have been allowed to take over large portions of the markets (amazon, google, windows etc). Startups need more backing and protection from government sources. Without competition we get screwed in the long term.
As a member of the undertall society I find this offensive.
Well done.
Every password should have more than 8 letters to be effective. Beef stew is not stroganoff.
So tell me. Where is the best place to trust?
If it was not for the internet people in the UK would have zero idea just how bad the media is, so I really do not understand your point.
I never meant to imply you couldn’t get quality PC gear, you very much can, but as soon as you do you’re paying just as much or more than a Mac.
I am guessing you think the internet is wrong then.
Lol, seriously my friend do not repeat that argument. OFC people use very old PCs. If you had a mac running for 10 years, this is not a regular event. The guy mentioned in this post, Louis Rossman, has made a lot of cash from pointing out the flaws behind the Macbook design. He makes a good living repairing them.
The company I worked for had 286 PCs running the stock system all the way up till 2013. This is a PC that was running for 24 years before they considered replacing it. The company was not some back street mickey mouse set up who didn’t want to spend cash. This was one of the major car companies. Large companies do not change things that are critical to the operation without a lot of effort to makes sure it goes right. They rely heavily on old systems because they know they work. This is very much the case across a lot of large companies.
Because of the conversation thread.
natebluehooves@pawb.social indicated that my opinion was out of touch. Since you say his opinion is based on current editions of Apple Macbooks, then my original statements still holds up that current Macbooks are a bad purchase all round.
This is not a remark towards your input, and only that my opinion has not changed.
Sorry, but Techreader agrees with me on this one. Apple Macbooks are simply not worth the money spent on them. Techreader does not mention the way Apple inhibits servicing or upgrades. A problem that does not exist at that level on the PC platform. Even with a laptop the CPU, memory and HDD are interchangeable. Apple does not want you to upgrade; they want you to spend 10X the cost by buying a whole new product.
So not really the main roads.
Most of the non main roads are a result of the feudal farming system. The US differs because people could buy up large rectangles of land which fit nicely together. The farming in Europe was a piecemeal affair, and roads were built onto to that. The UK is a very London centric country. The further north you get the less that is spent on roads and transport.