This looks like a lost dnd 2e sourcebook
This looks like a lost dnd 2e sourcebook
Cars can swim a little bit, as a treat.
I can understand getting hyper-focused an MMO, because they try to pile in all kinds of content: quests, raids, dungeons, professions, seasonal events, exploration, PvP, PvE, etc. But, Fortnite and LoL lack a lot of those features.
The one criticism I’d say you can’t make about fortnite is a lack of content, every season they add a completely new gameplay feature then remove it next season, right as it gets stale. There was a season where you could just be Spider-Man and web swing around, a season where there were planes and dogfighting, a season where you could get the infinity gauntlet and be thanos. Plus some others but I don’t play the game so I only hear about it second hand.
This is anecdotal but pretty much all of the lactose intolerant people I know love dairy more than the lactose tolerant people. Something as small as your body not processing milk isn’t enough to stop them
Is dying controversial?
He got better
Add a > to the start of your line
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Also you can add a \ before the > to make it not indent
What about when there was that bug in 2019 that made it so you could only get unusuals?
The Romans incorporated gods and myths from other cultures (most famously Greece) into their own pantheon.
Heracles > Hercules Zeus > Jupiter Ares > Mars
Where’s the Syracuse Margaritaville at the Destiny USA mall?
It has intelligence right there in the name, it has to be smart.
Also try Sync for lemmy and Connect
Once you post something to Reddit it’s their content, and apps have been doing it for a while, 9gag and ifunny spring to mind.
Pangea is going to blow your mind
Stoned Ape Theory, but it’s most likely just speculation.
I had a grudge against lego pirates of the caribbean because on the Xbox 360 there was an achievement for completing the first level worth 12g, offsetting my gamerscore until I got the paired achievement worth 88g