The dork in me loves when Tim does not end a line with a preposition.
The dork in me loves when Tim does not end a line with a preposition.
+1 Sudden Urge!
I slept on most of the post-Endgame catalogue except for maybe 5 songs, and this was not one of them. I eased up on the skip button one day in the car recently and got to hear it again, for what felt like the first time. It gave me chills.
My read on it was that onstage he’d ogle underage girls/attendees, really flexing the rockstar swagger or whatever. He’d somehow relay to them an invitation to meet him after the show, and he’d bring them onto the tour bus where he’d pressure or trap them into having sex.
A silver lining is, as I read it, the rest of the band immediately disavowed him. Some fans/ commenters alleged the other band members had to have been aware he was doing this, particularly citing the close quarters of the tour bus. Yet, the band holds its stance that they really did not know.
I’ve pondered frozen hot dogs. You can get a pack of 36 and whip’em from your car into recipients’ homes and driveways. If you don’t actually break anything you minimize how much anyone else will care, and you might force them to decide whether to whine to the cops/courts about vandal hot dogs or just relish their new reality.
This doesn’t meet the bar you want, but my marketing professor called the .99 idea the single greatest thing to come out of marketing in a century.
Fun fact! The official name for that holiday is Washington’s Birthday.
I don’t know the story behind its label of President’s Day but on the federal reserve’s website it shows:
“Washington’s Birthday (President’s Day)”
So… they’re going to make us all billionaires?
YES. THEY WILL. You will not have a billion dollars, but they will make you a billionaire!
Upvote for a quality zoo exhibit
I was thinking the OC could’ve (should’ve) started some shit by putting them in order by distance from the sun as they are now, except for putting Saturn before Mercury. And then enjoy the hand wringing.
Ham and pork
Piss after fapping. TWO STREAMS
I was totally missing that angle.