Nice, I do like it when useful idiots identifiy rhemselves upfront, instead of me having to dig, thanks!
Nice, I do like it when useful idiots identifiy rhemselves upfront, instead of me having to dig, thanks!
Who is “calling” and “not calling” the uncommitted movement?
Don’t sell yourself short. You are an ally, you are helping. Just not the side you think you are.
And just like your fellow regressives, you desperately reject reality until it personally affects you.
I just hope that when it does, it isn’t someone else who pays that price for you.
Have a good day.
I didn’t, but only through luck. If we weren’t lucky, I would have had to kill them, or more likely I would have had to try to.
Apparently since I don’t approve of killing people I have to list all the incountable ways that you can deal with all kinds of negative confrontations without resorting to literally killing someone.
Please, do tell me how I could have managed to deal with multiple drunk guys cornering and trying to beat/stab us to death.
This has been a very stupid day defending the most basic idea that maybe we shouldn’t just kill people and maybe we shouldn’t fantasize about killing people.
I think what’s even more stupid, is coming into a community of vulnerable people, and telling them that by defending themselves from aggressors makes them bad people, that they’ll have blood on their hands and they won’t be able to live with themselves.
I honestly think you’re either one of two things: You’re either an alt right troll, or worse, you’re someone who thinks themselves an ally, but has absolutely zero practical experience in the matter.
I mean anyone who says the following:
If self defense was really the goal why didn’t the father gift their child a bullet proof vest or a shield or pepper spray or a taser or any other of the myriad options that exist in the real world to defend yourself from attackers?
Is either trolling, or unintentionally trying to get people killed through bad advice.
Either way, you’re helping the regressives, not us.
If in the act of defending yourself, you kill somebody, is that objectively a good righteous thing? Is that not a bloody stain on the world? Will there not be blood on your hands?
What is your alternative then? Let’s hear it.
If some transphobe/homophobe/racist/etc corners me and my family/friends (again), what should I do according to you? I’m curious.
Uhhh… Every single airbag is computerized.
Uhhh… not motorcycle airbags. See the Helite Turtle 2 airbag.
Yes Jeff!
You’re on the clock, rules are the same as when you were in school, phone stays in your pocket.
Just because you’re not an adult and need such rules so you’re able to concentrate, doesn’t mean the rest of us also do.
You could schedule a task at 1 PM, then generate a random number between 0-60 inside that task, wait that many minutes, then launch the actual task.
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Again, malicious intent and causing distress according to whom?
Plenty of acceptable acts are labeled as done with malicious intern to cause distress according to religious organizations.
Do you think for example we should ban this as it was done deliberate intent to upset the protestors?
The display itself wouldn’t be banned, nor the act, but the intent to cause harm or distress to others.
According to them, promoting non-belief causes harm and distress to them. So should it be banned?
It didn’t, I just disagree.