There’s loads of places scattered around the internet where full service manuals are hosted for free for nearly any consumer product that has one available. The trouble is actually finding them…
Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.
There’s loads of places scattered around the internet where full service manuals are hosted for free for nearly any consumer product that has one available. The trouble is actually finding them…
Every time I touch his PC I clean it up from scam shit spyware etc. I pretend not to notice where all this stuff came from.
Let they that never borked the family PC with “boobs.exe” from limewire castle the first stone!
As long as they’re loosening moderation of everything else I don’t see that happening sadly…
They are right wingers that want to be free of government meddling in the form of anti discrimination laws, taxes and drivers licenses. For some reason they also the consider age of consent to be a greater evil that the Pentagon.
Yeah, pedo-nazis.
They want a white ethno state, where they can smoke meth and fuck kids. The whole “age of consent should be abolished to protect children who are essentially considered property of their parents until ages of majority because sometimes parents are really shitty to their kids” isn’t a solution to the stated problem. Proper funding, oversight and regulation of social programs such as child and family welfare/protection is significantly better than giving an easily manipulated child the right to consent. The only reason to make age of consent whenever a child can talk should be pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain.
And guess what, if you abolished anti-discrmination laws, you’d end up with only WASPs allowed to vote, massively suppressed wages and limited if any social benefits for women or anyone not white.
Cancel culture is perpetrated by the dirty “lefties.” Boycotting Bud Light was a “stand against promoters of the wokeness.”
Technically correct. The best kind of correct.
In an effort to make the user experience even shittier? Or maybe one of the suits saw their kid with a custom linux desktop and was like: we need to get these kids off that linux crap, and clearly the floating task bar is the clincher! *does a giant rip of cocain *
Fucking Autoassume…I’m leaving it because it’s fucking funny 🤣
At first I had assumed you’d look at my profile and were making a topical joke. I’m a Stone Mason, and I work in Conservation. So, this is incredibly fun/funny and I’m absolutely here for it!