By spamming pictures of their dead pets over the internet? It’s one thing to discuss their passing, it’s another to post a pic of their corpse.
At the very least, they could place it under a spoiler/NSFW tag.
Put a fork in me, I’m done.
By spamming pictures of their dead pets over the internet? It’s one thing to discuss their passing, it’s another to post a pic of their corpse.
At the very least, they could place it under a spoiler/NSFW tag.
deleted by creator
Under settings, then [username]/Account Settings, scroll all the way down, and turn off “Show Upvote %”
And then hit the floppy disk to save :D sadly the hearts are tied to the upvote %
If you’re using the jerboa app, you can turn that off in the settings :)
Replace playing video games with doomscolling, and I’m 6/8 as well 😂
I just need to buy the DVD set tbh, last I watched it was yearssss ago 😭 but I’m proud of myself for remember the questions haha
There’s so much foreshadowing! Fuck, off I go to get the set haha
The universe began with a word. But which came first: the word or the thought behind the word?
He’s so damn good! The makeup is just 👩🏼🍳😙👌🏼 I have a mighty need for a rewatch!
Who are you?
What do you want?
Why are you here?
Where are you going?
Do you have anything worth living for?
The internet was made for us to share cats!
We just really like each other haha
I’m just gonna keep calling them “cunts” lol
While I have seen corpse pictures on forums for cats and dogs, I think I see it more on “exotic” pet forums, like guinea pigs, rats, mice, lizards, snakes, and spiders/insects. It’s distressing regardless, because that was someone’s beloved pet, but also no one needs to see their corpse; a pic of when it was alive is perfectly acceptable when discussing grief. I just don’t see the point of posting a picture of the corpse, it just feels unnecessary.
I have had pets pass away, and I wouldn’t even think of taking a photo. It just feels so weird to me. Im not the OP of this post, but I get what they’re saying.