They called Obama the Deporter in Chief. Trump wishes he could get a nickname like that. Carter himself was a nice guy but his below average presidency led to Reagan.
They called Obama the Deporter in Chief. Trump wishes he could get a nickname like that. Carter himself was a nice guy but his below average presidency led to Reagan.
The rules of battlebots lend themselves to wedge bots, unfortunately. Can’t shoot, tangle, or electrocute, for example.
There was one, Depth Charge, that moved by spinning really fucking fast, and would destroy the arena, which was fucking rad.
Not gonna read that incredibly tortured analogy. I hope you took it out back and shot it after you did those awful longwinded things to it though.
They do note the lump non-annuity value. The numbers I pulled were off the powerball website and were right next to each other. Different states (and even municipalities possibly.) tax differently (not at all in some cases), so its not as if they can give a solid number there.
On one hand, it does feel a bit scammy. On the other, I’m not gonna lose a lot of sleep if I only took home 50 million dollars from a 150 million jackpot. It’s still a “Work? Sorry, I’m unfamiliar with peasant slang.” amount of cash.
It’s not taxes… well not all of it. The lotto advertises its prize as the sum total of a 30 year annuity. Currently Powerball has an estimated Jackpot of 163 Million. You can take the lump sum up front though. At present that lump sum is 73.9 million. After you get that, then you get taxed on it, reducing it to probably something like 40-50 million.
2020 was the last WTF year, which was covid in full swing, among other messes. So could be ominous, could be nothing, cuz every year has some bullshit.
i dont watch shows i know i wont like on netflix. guess im in a echo chamber there too.
Anything that costs me peace of mind is too expensive for my tastes
Dudes working at most hourly lower end type jobs still wouldn’t get election day off, unless you mandated like octuple pay for anyone working that day (They should)
tfw i understand that reference
tldr search for “Christian baby” on Quora.
Every trans woman deserves a latin choir.
No one would blink an eye at a country rock cover of, “Gas gas gas”. Hell they’d prob think the original was the knockoff.
also works for any random piece of paper but dollar feels like more of a flex, like lighting a cigar with a burning hundo (except you’re not out a hundo after)
Man card bottle opener
lol he has to use a special tool to open his bottles. Table edge is right there tough guy… or literally any hard object you can get about an inch of leverage with (so not your dick ayo), Belt buckle is possible, doesn’t even have to be a special one. Keys, a dollar bill, lighter, principle doesn’t change too much between them. Hell even your wedding ring… oh… awkward.
You can only get more conservative when you have things to protect like a house and a pension.
Most millennials retirement plan atm is die of heatstroke in 150 degree weather in a 8 person shared apartment in Alaska.
Choose wisely, 500gb game from the western dev, or winter heating from the eastern.
The way it works in America is that the amount they tell you is after a 30 year annuity, so you obviously get a lot of interest there. It also lets them bump their numbers up which makes it more attractive I guess. Currently Powerball is at 320 million with a cash value (or lump sum) of 150 million. After that you get taxed and knocked down more so you might end out taking home around 100 million. As someone who has not won, I can say that sounds like bullshit, but if I did win, well I wouldn’t be complaining. What would I use the extra money on anyhow? Get some dude who wears orange facepaint the presidency? Hard pass. I’d have to be a gigantic friendless turbo nerd to do some shit like that.