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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • I enjoyed dread, I mean i wouldnt say its my favorite, but i has a good time with is. It was also nice to have some fresh content after so many years, I didn’t think it was particularly anymore focused on twitch reflexes than the other games, especially compared to the return of Samus remake. But idk, I mean everyone is different, I’m sorry you were dissapointed.

    And yeah, at least is wasn’t ‘Other M’ I mean that game isn’t even officially Canon anymore.

  • Well what they applied the example to was a cow, citing that due to its tail out was a monkey of course lol. But yeah it does apply to primates for sure. Also a notable example is in Pokémon where you have mankey who evolves into primeape and loses their tail in the process. Of course this also kind of implies that apes are just angrier, stronger monkeys.

    Also completely unrelated to our conversation, but relevant to your username…Metriod is my absolute favorite gaming series, Metriod Prime is amazing, and I always wanted to be Samus when I grew up.

  • I love the idea of trains, have always loved trains when I was younger, and until very recently had never been on one. My brother purchased tickets for me and my boyfriend to go visit him and so I was very excited to finally get on the train. The thing i didnt really think about was the fact that I get car sick in SUVs and trucks if im not driving because of the softness of the suspension and body roll. The train is a bit bouncy. The trip down was me sleeping for like 30 mins or so, getting up to throw up in the bathroom, repeat for about 19 hours. I felt terribly nauseous and had migrane the entire time.

    The trip back I was prepared, I had those anti-car sock glasses and some dramamine, I took it, fell asleep for about 8 hours. Woke up and was okay interms of not feeling sick or anything. But then the train stopped, not at a station, in the middle of a field. They told us there was some freight cargo on the line ahead and we had to wait for a moment. We were there for three hours. The lady next to us had a ticket for a different train to get on after this one, and it was for two hours after our scheduled arrival time. Well she missed it because we arrived 3 hours late.

    I know train infustructure would help, and I’ve always been a proponent of better public transport networks…but now I hate the train 😟. I would rather drive.