Is it butt stuff?
Is it butt stuff?
Many people forget that the reason everybody is trying to find a new planet in interstellar, is because climate change made theirs unhabitable.
As one wife, so therefore cops have 3 wives.
Could be, could also be she is generally actually curious about it. I would actually think its the opposite since your problem solving skills are exercised more on a windows than a mac. Computer science people will engineer a solution from the ground up while the rest of us will problem solve and be happy with something held together with duct tape.
Yep, Ads like this is how we got to, how come my philosophy major isn’t opening any doors outside of academics?
Even sex toys?
Spirit airlines
Tired of burning your house down when you want to use your toaster toske something not toast? Introducing the toaster oven. For when you want to toast something besides bread.
White room torture is a thing.
A factory worker seems like one of those jobs that doesnt require a college degree.
Then don’t use Microsoft and join the 4% linux gang.
Creamer is shelf stable.