Looks like they used an automatic thesaurus to cover plagiarism.
Looks like they used an automatic thesaurus to cover plagiarism.
If you eat well and work out, you are probably looking really nice! Don’t compare yourself to “perfect” people on instagram, compare yourself with who you where before (or just for fun with the average person in wallmart). It also helps to find another goal than simple looking good, such as lifting a certain weight, or participate in sport events. Makes it all way more fun.
Unoccupied land is otherwise called “nature” and is quite useful for a lot of things.
Where’s the garlic bread?
Almost downvoted this post through pure instinctive disgust
Know that it is very normal what you are feeling right now, to be hurt, sad, angry, confused and every other emotion. Hopefully a shared moment of grief will be organized. Go there, join in grief with your fellow students and give a hug to whoever needs it. It might not feel like it yet, but it will help.
Pooping is more like dropping the empty cartridge.