That might explain the name dispute between him, Grimes, and Zillis.
“I was ashamed of myself when I realised life was a costume party and I attended with my real face.”
There’s a name for it: Poe’s Law
What, in like 20s or something?
It’s why strings are typically smaller people than the horn section too. Place a tuba player next to a violinist and the tuba player is always bigger.
One day you’ll pull the last of it out and then you deflate
Feel like your chances of seeing one of the dozens of people who hold like half the wealth in the world is pretty slim on the street.
Every second without back pain is a lucky second. String enough of those lucky seconds together and you have a lucky minute.
I’m sure whoever grew this wishes they could grow colorful weed like this too.
Tell that to the Helldivers dev team
“Women are not good for the most part”
oh god
Do you like it? It’s very flattering.
Original article was pickleball for anyone about to look it up
Took the invention of the repeating rifle to win the west.
This reminds me to go listen to 2 hours of Stone in Focus
What impact would a nationwide guerilla campaign of vandalism against say, Berkshire do?