What am I doing wrong? I never get any anime content nor porn.
What am I doing wrong? I never get any anime content nor porn.
I think OP is just saying that democrats are better than Republicans. We have multiple parties in my country but people vote for tree ones that support capitalism and rich people. We also have people that support a politician that was found guilty of fraud.
Rich people have power so they can do what they want.
Few centuries ago special people (who have power) have slaves but things have changed. Maybe they shouldn’t do concerts every week all over the world, they shouldn’t fly over the country to assist to the opening of some store,…etc.
You know things change and we should adapt.
They use private jet to not mix with so I am sure she doesn’t fly with a dozen of people.
3 years for a phone is very low. Maybe change battery and you can keep it for 3 years more. Though you need to buy phones with custom rom support.
I think you have the situation everywhere. At one time in France they ask you for your bank account details to see that you have funds so that they give an ID. But the bank will refuse to open you an account without an ID. So it will depend on the agent handling your request.
Why marriage? Can’t you just start living together first?
Asking someone to marry you on the first is just stupid. Many things could not work out and marriage is a big thing. Imagine spending time and money and then find out that you are not fit together. Then you live a miserable life or fill for a divorce.
Why colleges ask for donations? I am not American.
Employees flipping burgers, wouldn’t they be sent home without pay? I am asking for the US.
I saw an episode of I love Lucy where she can’t use the phone because the neighbor was talking and didn’t understand why.