I dont think Pringles can legally be called chips
I dont think Pringles can legally be called chips
They want tracking sites to show higher prices than people actually pay as the “lowest price” so people think they are getting a deal. Scamazon does not want their prices tracked, it is disadvantagous for them for customers to be informed about their price adjustment trickery. Scamazon uses more dark patterns on their website than anyone.
Scamazon uses the coupons “click to save $5.00 applied in your cart” to hinder the accuracy of price tracking websites now. Don’t trust scamazon.
Your logic is fucked.
Just as their PR teams hoped this would be perceived.
I think this is one of those things that seems like everyone notices when it’s you, but when you think about it in reverse you struggle to think of any times you’ve noticed another person with a ‘jacket zipper boner’.