You gotta pee just before bed then brush your teeth then pee a little bit more.
You gotta pee just before bed then brush your teeth then pee a little bit more.
Reddit has been going downhill for years, this year was just accelerated. Current movies are also pretty bad lately. I haven’t been to a theater in years.
Beef sticks have been getting expensive lately!
Also nobody remembers the guy that left the office early on Friday when Monday morning comes around.
Its also funny if you hate printers. We always keep the main printer(s) under a maintenance contract.
Lol no a small chili cheese dog. Usually get three
This is good a few times a year. You can get habanero cheese and they have a good house hot sauce. You can also do mini coneys instead of noodles.
The library is one of the last free places in most cities.
Yeah my mom told me as a kid that if I quit school I would have to dig ditches for a living. Those guys are union with high pay and good job security because we always need proper drainage just like we always need garbage to go away.