Inside you there are two wolves.
One use Gentoo
The other one use Gentoo
You are compiling
If you want to be distro-neutral tell him one of the wolf has issues with windows.
Cheap house but get a subscription to a gym/sport activity with the money you saved so you have social interactions?
Hence why if Quebec split they should keep the name Canada and the other provinces should vote for a new name.
I simply change my keyboard layout. Auto-scramble a simple phrase.
deleted by creator
Really looks like the truck from jeepers creepers.
Edit: yup,
Look, I’m not saying that this meme shows a pickup truck for a reason but yeah, pickup trucks.
I second that. I work mostly with Catia and I’ve been searching forever for a Foss and Linux compatible replacement to a point I was seriously thinking about creating one from scratch.
OK but nobody’s gonna mention the 6 fingers banners?
Yeah I started gaining weight when I got my forklift certs. Same eating habits but 20k steps less per day. Now I work in an office so 10k a day is unattainable unless I actively make time to walk in my day.
I kinda envy you is what I mean.
How the hell are we suppose to do those 10k steps per day now?
Tout a coup -> d’un coup
Ce qui fait que -> fai’que
Conséquemment -> à cause
Whoever thinks suggesting crypto to family members is a good idea deserves the hate.
98 was my favorite or more specifically 98+MSDos
Which, as you mentioned, they keep because if they didn’t it wouldn’t be a good marketing move, higher number sells more. Even though it doesn’t reflect the modern end user internet experience. They don’t keep it because an engineer prefer that. Marketing will fight tooth and nail to screw us engineers over if it sells better.
The first company that tried to sell “1 Megabyte/s” instead of “8 Megabits/s” is shooting themselves in the foot because the number is smaller.
You’re telling me that what I say is nonsense and you just paraphrase what I said.
Don’t go thinking engineering has anything to do with what marketing put up on their storefront.