This mountain of discarded plastic textiles says differently:
This mountain of discarded plastic textiles says differently:
Final Fantasy III/6: Always wait until the very last second to complete a timed escape objective.
not all facts are true
I’m not sure this is true. They could be trained based on published works prior to a certain date as the formal writing style, eg Project Gutenberg, then layer on the recent internet to better capture modern stylistic trends.
Ultimately, the models will always require fine tuning, and selecting which data set you use for early training has a very large impact on the overall performance of the model. Additional knowledge and trendiness can be learned after the fact.
Likely need to define some basic rbac controls. They signed up, sure, but don’t receive a “user” role until after approval. Then in the home page, when signed in with no roles assigned, they get a banner saying they’re still pending approval and will not be able to post or comment.
The major concern will be retroactively applying user roles to the existing users.
It itself is not FOSS, but Network Chuck just had a decent video on setting up ThinLinc for his editing team. I believe it is free for ten or fewer users. There is an admin function that allows you to observe what another user is doing (session shadowing).
In general, for native FOSS, I’m pretty sure you can specify the screen port in VNC, and connect multiple users to the same port, but you’d have to double check the configuration file. Can likely also be done with XRDP.