Is that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei?
Is that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei?
I like the cut of your jib.
I have flood lights outside I put together from fog lights, motion sensors and lux level sensors, just in case something comes up on us in the night. I’m off-grid and battery power is always at a premium, so usage sensors are a hedge I’m willing to make.
Hey thanks for fleshing that out for me. That takes me back, makes me think of sitting in my room listening to RATM I just downloaded and burned off Napster and defragging the computer.
I miss the Internet of old. Before everyone got on it. We had hope then
In tech, SMART is an acronym. I shit you zero nots, this is for real.
Self Monitoring And Reporting Technologies
Fuck SMART everything. I am fundamentally at odds with telemetry, what is it up to half our mobile data plans are lost to advertisers? W.t.f.
Yet they want a blanket ban, and once concentration camps are up and we’re officially beyond the pale…and anything not that same shade of pale finds itself in those camps…I don’t think people are gonna want to emigrate here or any of the five eyes.
Letting the bankers take the wheel in the 80s has cannibalized the health of all Western society and commodified whatever was left.
We were told to worship no one other than God/the source/the creator/the allfather/the universe/the truth/whatever you want to call it…but all I see is worship of another invisible diety, this invisible hand of the market - easily the most worshipped god in the modern day. Capitalism is incapable of bringing about salvation, unless you believe in accelerationism, and then everyone participating is gonna be found wanting.
Like, capitalism has failed to even create a society where it’s own people want to breed in. Something so easy for us and we would rather throw it all away, myself included. For comparison, Mozart had 11 children. 2 survived into adulthood.
With an exception carved out for Tesla, I’m sure.
In the same vein, all the techbros who voted for Trump are gonna be real asshurt once immigration exemptions are made for tech workers
Like silicon valley is gonna be forced to pay market rate for American talent, pffh, c’mon now. Wages are like prices but the opposite. Prices always go up and never back down. Wages always come down and never go back up. Tech workers enshittification will commence at triple pace now
Politics is nothing but coordinated violence, in that it is nothing but coercion of people against their own interests. If you’re an interested party, than youre adding to the coercion of others. If you stay out of it, then it’s not political to you is it?
Try telling people whose rent has doubled or tripled within a decade that economics isn’t violence. You’ll experience some carnal violence in return, I’m sure.
Politics = violence; it’s the NC-17 version, violence all grown up and sophisticated. Sanitized for TV, in it for the sound bites. In fact, I’d say at least half of it is theatre alone. It’s even been packaged up for the people to play along from home. The evolution of violence, fun for the whole family. I mean, what else would we talk about come holidays? HELPING each other?!?
Shit, I didn’t know that, thank you for sharing, imma set mine and my wives phones up now.
This is 100% fact. Eisenhower made PE a universal part of education to increase overall fitness in the case of war and conscription.
Park and Ride mass transit in. It’s the only compromise that can be made, really. No cars beyond allowing registered work vans/trucks and emergency vehicles.
One way or the other it’s inevitable. We either voluntarily (sic) shut down inner cities to any traffic other than the aforementioned due to obvious reasons, or, if AI can ever actually drive us, than we go all iRobot where humans just physically can’t keep up with the speeds and the windows blacken out.
I mean, I halfway agree with you. The World Economic Forum meets up annually. It’s a real sanitized name for entrenched wealth, sounds super official, like a neighborhood bus line that fancies itself the “generic county transit authority”. I too can call myself an authority on something but that doesn’t make it so. Lol.
No one attending was voted into power, all but a handful were born into it. There doesn’t need to be any one person in charge when all their motivations already align. Humanity is not inherently hierarchle. So they shmooze, exchange tips, fuck each other wives while wearing masks to hide who they are (you really think Kubrick would’ve made Eyes Wide Shut if he didn’t know that that kind of shit happens irl. Theyl discuss strategies on how to fuck over everyone else on the planet so they’ll never have to sweat a drop from hard work unless they want to. They share Panama paper worthy plans and stories from their trips to whomever replaced Epstein. Cuz someone did. I trust the rich two things only, one is be callously, obscenely greedy as fuck and the other: the world’s largest collection of pedophiles and rapists. When you can buy anything, including people’s children’s innocence, with no consequences, what’s left to buy? Nothing. Nothing but
id totally give up a genies wish to make everyone attending their annual event, and their entire poison pill blood line, teleport to the bright side surface of mercury, immediately.
My 2nd wish would be to rapture every Christian to the heliopause.
Humanity would be so much better off, idk if I even need the 3rd wish then
Be cause he’s arguably the richest man in the world and he’s funding ALL OF THEM
The only thing I stream are how-tos and educational vids off YouTube or Nebula.
The most classical entertaining thing I follow is probably 12tone.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no time for fiction I guess.
The only one of these I recognize is Westworld. I cut the cord after the first season and never looked back.
Russia and China are already at loggerheads.
Russia has rebuked Chinas attempts to negotiate peace, which China desperately wants to do (negotiate, not necessarily the peace) to show the world there’s an alternative to the US ideology.
China praised Ukraine for what they brought to the table, Russia didn’t even show up. China has asked to be at any and all future proceedings while Moscow is noncommittal to anything.
To say it another way: Beijing vouched for their homeboy but then come the interview they never showed and it made Beijing look bad in front of his peers, all at the time when Beijing is being consider for a promotion.
I doubt it. Maybe there are differences, but there’s zero chance we have anything close to enough data that could draw correlations to negative effects. This is China, if not intentionally crafting data, then definitely broadcasting data that reinforces the cultural narrative they’ve already set. If the finding were to prove contrary to their brain rot position, I doubt they’d be broadcasting.
Just cuz a brain might work different doesn’t mean it’s bad. It took morning people, evening people, and nights watch people to keep us alive for the past millenni’i, why do morning people have a favored position in society? It’s bullshit and fucked up if you ask me. There’s medical evidence of sleep types, why can’t we use that to force a schedule change? Bring back night court, fuck.
I assume ADHD brains are different from neuroboring ones too, and as an ADHD brained individual I don’t consider it a disability, or a defect or detriment. I have traits I have learned to accommodate and traits I actively protect myself from, and they might not be neurotypical ons, the most common thousand or so nuerotypical problems, I dont have. And I think that life without endless curiosity with the ability to singularly deep dive any topic for essentially forever just wouldn’t be an existence worth living. I honestly feel I can do whatever it is I set myself too, regardless the complexity. I can’t imagine the world seen from despondent resignation.
Ive pondered more than once if I would be better off without the ADHD hyper sensitive sense of justice. I’ve said for years that I started this life off as lawful good and life’s caused me to slide all the way down to chaotic neutral.