I don’t know about windows, but on linux if you don’t need and of VLC’s advanced features, MPV is significantly faster, takes nearly half the cpu on my setup for the same quality.
I don’t know about windows, but on linux if you don’t need and of VLC’s advanced features, MPV is significantly faster, takes nearly half the cpu on my setup for the same quality.
There are plenty of places where not having a car isn’t even a possibility. If I didn’t have a car, not only would I be unable to work, I’d probably also starve to death, or perhaps have to eat gas station food the rest of my life.
Sa aide pas que 90% dla TV que ben du monde ont grandis avec avant l’internet etait en francais de france. Jte dis derniere fois chu allé a Montreal chu resté surpris comment lmonde parle ben. Pas comme en france, mais pas ben loin…
Which I believe doesn’t work on all GPUs.
Fun fact, they still have coca leaves.
Since then (by 1929), Coca-Cola has used a cocaine-free coca leaf extract. Today, that extract is prepared at a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey, the only manufacturing plant authorized by the federal government to import and process coca leaves, which it obtains from Peru and Bolivia. Stepan Company extracts cocaine from the coca leaves, which it then sells to Mallinckrodt, the only company in the United States licensed to purify cocaine for medicinal use.
Pretty sure if it just “accidentally hit your dick”, you can just quickly wash it off without having to be aftraid of any infections. If you were pounding that chicken for a half hour on the other hand…
Cooked onions are fine, but raw red onions in salads give me terrible headaches, I always feel bad picking them out.
Been a while since I touched windows but from what I remember, anything you modify/delete as TrustedInstaller gets reverted back every update.
Add read/write permissions to all. -R is the recursive part.
I’m not an expert, but I’ve heard from experts that in a modern world where everyone consumes an abundance of sugar, eating the fibers help with absorbing the fruit’s sugars in a healthier way.
And let’s be honest, just look at america, just about everyone could afford to cut sugar and get more fibers. And fruits are by far the best source of fiber. The way I see it, I paid for the skin so I’m gonna eat the skin.