I do not know the legitimacy of the LPP organization, but do people not see through the ironic statement at all?
I do not know the legitimacy of the LPP organization, but do people not see through the ironic statement at all?
Funny enough, this happened to me right before my final exam in high school, though it was Windows instead - it killed itself with an update somehow.
Fortunately that was just my laptop and it didn’t happen during the exam.
Contrarily to popular belief, the average person isn’t much better at drawing anatomically correct depictions of human insides than AI
Not distributing your game through a publisher does that sometimes
… not in M.A.V.'s case though, redditors say the devs just use their Discord community now
There isn’t anything like it either, save for M.A.V. but I ain’t blindly buying a game with an apparently unmaintained website
Me still not having a Chromehounds sequel:
It’s just innocuous entertainment.
Listening to the Super Earth Anthem doesn’t make me want to drop a 380mm barrage over everything the Illuminate hold dear, or anything…
Relax liberals, it’s called “park humor”
Elastically colliding with it in a way such that m = d f(x) / dx
I don’t know if “an eldritch being vomits poison all over Earth and literally sends us back to the iron age, then the moon melts on it and it goes asleep” counts as radiation, in which case, yes the Lunacid lore is a radiation accident
For what? I don’t remember doing anything bad against the combine
This, basically:
The developer(s) of Half Life 2: Overcharged pulled a sneaky on youtubers who dissed the mod, someone found out about it by decompiling a dll, then one of the youtubers revisited the “updated” mod by listing every single bug he could.
The most common issue was the “leaking sun”, which I don’t think I can explain better than a video could other than saying “the sun leaks”.
As for the image on the right: it’s just vanilla Lunacid lore.
If they completely replace a game with its successor and shut the former down, then people can only play the latter: the developers don’t have to compete with themselves, and the publishers have an easier time with their enshittification of their franchise.
The game that kicked off SKG in the first place is an example of this, as far as I’ve heard The Crew was better received than The Crew 2 and 3.
UnitedHealth may deny your claim if you do
It stands for “ChainSaw Man”, which is not related to the similar acronym with an “A” in it.
We value your privacy. 2USD per datapoint, in fact, very profitable.
How many consecutive hours of Teletubbies would you have to watch in order to be in the right state of mind to cook up that statement, against that ethnicity, on that continent?
Can I use .3 as some sort of short-range contiguous Alcubierre drive, by using it repeatedly very fast?