Gender: Female, Sexuality: Enigma,
Disabled and autistic as hell.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • Also a trans woman, same experience. Somehow getting compliments all the time has been one of the hardest parts to adjust to. Dunno how to respond to them, and can’t distinguish which ones are creepy because they all feel good after so long of getting none.

  • Depends. Nicer to men? Probably. Nicer to women? Hell. No.
    Can’t count how many times I’ve seen people call out things like body shaming of men, but do the same thing to women and suddenly it’s a “natural expression of human sexuality.”

    I suppose it’s just the end result of any community dominated by an extreme majority of men, but it sure as hell doesn’t feel good and has made me heavily consider deleting my account and just finally giving up on social media entirely.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.onetoMemes@lemmy.mlImpossible
    1 year ago

    When I was little, I had times where I just straight up slept at the dinner table because I refused to eat. My parents learned quickly that if they didn’t want me to starve to death, they were gonna need to make foods I actually liked.
    Once they’d been doing that for a while, I got a lot more open to trying new foods, even ones I didn’t like before, because now everyone else was eating and enjoying food I didn’t have and I wanted to be a part of that. Didn’t make me automatically like everything, but it did open me up to a lot of healthier options.

  • Unfortunately, don’t think we can do any of those to any significant effect. We’re both on medicaid and non-taxable disability income. In other words, we don’t usually legally have to file taxes unless we had some other kind of income that year because it’s just gonna be a long string of zeros.

    What we can do though is file for disability as a married couple, then we can legally save up a lot more money in exchange for being paid slightly less. The requirements for that are just living together and “holding yourself out as a married couple to the community you live.” Well, actually, there is a bit of awkwardness with the wording last I checked that accidentally makes it only apply to heterosexual couples, but I’m sure they legally have to apply the rule to homosexual couples as well. We’ll see anyway.

    I believe we also have the same visitation rights as a married couple if we’re ever hospitalized, which is helpful considering we’ve both found ourselves hospitalized as a result of our disabilities a few times. I’m not certain about that though. We had quite a distance separating us every time that’s happened so far, so haven’t had the opportunity to test that.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.onetoMemes@lemmy.mlno window
    1 year ago

    I hate the whole “its” being converted to “it’s” no matter what thing, but what I hate more is when I teach the keyboard a word, and it STILL won’t let me use it. Taught my keyboard “that’d” and it would autocorrect it to “that’s” every time. And unlike other words, if I went back and manually corrected it back, it wouldn’t leave it, it’d force it back to “that’s” again and refuse to let me change it. Come to think of it, it did that with “it’d” to “it’s” too. Eventually I just switched to a different keyboard with much less aggressive autocorrect, since I still need the autocorrect to type with any semblance of speed due to minor coordination issues.

    My old keyboard abruptly started autocorrecting more typos into what I was saying than it corrected toward the end anyway. Probably some shoddy attempt to implement AI auto correction.

  • I wouldn’t know. My wife’s the only person I’ve ever dated. Probably wouldn’t just do that with random dates though. My wife and I knew eachother for a while before we were dating and got close even before then. That’s why I was comfortable calling her my wife. I was confident it’d last. Even then it wasn’t until a while in the relationship that we started doing it.

    Plus we’d been getting mistaken for a married couple quite a lot, so I figured why not just act like one? Takes off the pressure to actually get married too early, too. After all, what’s there to gain that we can’t gain without it?

  • Sombyr@lemmy.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule/rule
    1 year ago

    It thoroughly confuses me that many people have come to the conclusion that people saying “closeted trans people do X thing quite often” actually mean “all people doing X thing are trans.” I don’t know how half the replies here have come to that conclusion.

    This meme is reductive, only talking about it like it’ll be either a trans person or toxic cis dude, but it’s a joke. Jokes need to be some level of reductive to work. Otherwise you’re just describing a funny situation in real life. (Also, reread the meme. They never say those are the only two options, they just say those are two possibilities. That’s not the same thing.)

    But yeah, offering to help somebody who you think may be trans acquire resources isn’t a bad thing just because the majority of people won’t end up needing it. Just politely decline it if you don’t. Nobody’s trying to force you to be trans. They’re just trying to help the people that are.

  • It’s still a gradual buildup for me, and there are little pauses every time it starts over, but if I don’t have those little pauses, I get overstimulated too much and the nerves just kinda shut off for a couple minutes. There’s always an intense shock of pleasure too when it starts over, that fades away really fast, but every time it starts over again the shock is more intense than the previous time, until eventually, one of those shocks is an orgasm. I can technically have one on the lowest settings of sustained vibration too, but it’s not intense enough to give me a satisfying orgasm. The settings that just pulse regularly also sometimes work, but I prefer to have at least a second or two with the thing going full blast just because it feels good, so that’s why I use the “Morse code” setting instead. That way I get the full intensity, along with the little interruptions that prevent me from getting overstimulated.

  • Going through this right now. Don’t enjoy playing single player games much. Only usually enjoy multi-player games if I’m playing with my wife. I’m just letting it happen tbh.

    Getting into tabletop games and collecting instead. Unlike video games, tabletop games come with all sorts of cool knickknacks, especially war games, and I’m finding getting to collect them and then play with the cool new things holds my interest better nowadays. Feels like it scratches the same itch as installing a thousand new mods into video games then playing for a few hours before loading it up with even more mods, but instead of mods it’s new little dudes and I get to assemble and paint them.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    2 years ago

    Maybe I don’t understand the definition of straw man properly, but I don’t think this is one. It’s a response to a metaphor some conservatives have used against trans people that the look of a pizza hut is so iconic, that it’d be rediculous to call it anything else, because it’s obviously a pizza hut, no matter what you put inside it. This is a response to that, showing that insisting it’s still a pizza hut just because it looks like one to you is absurd. I agree it’s a little bit cringy. There’s been better rebuttals to it, but I think this still makes the point.

    I don’t think this was ever a popular conservative argument though. I’ve only seen it in screenshots of a single highly retweeted tweet with various rebuttals attached. I guess it seems more like just a random dumb argument people decided was fun to make fun of.