I think this points to a large problem in our society is how we train and pick our managers. Oh wait we don’t. They pick us.
I think this points to a large problem in our society is how we train and pick our managers. Oh wait we don’t. They pick us.
Which is “ok” as wages will start to go up over time (for some). But some wages don’t climb as fast and some people are on fixed revenue (old people, disabled people).
So it requires readjustments
Sorry for the late reply, the lack of a red envelope makes me not notice replies.
People on election day have to decide if they go voting at all. This is a big deal, it’s what most of the campaign in the ridding is focusing on changing (you want to make sure all of your voters go vote, that is top priority in an election).
Having a party that is a bad fit for you is demotivating and likely to reduce turnout. That is what I mean by “likely to vote”. It’s not the right wing option that people will go for. It’s the comfort of staying home and not bothering to vote for a “lib” if you’re a progressive, or for a “commie” if you’re a lib. For some people, the NDP is already too far right…
So yeah, some of the support of the NDP would transfer over to the liberal party, but definitely not all. And that’s not to mention all of the crazy people who can go from NDP to tories at the drop of a hat (voters have shallower roots than the base, or have irrational hatred of specific politicians or parties) or who would just vote Bloq Québécois or something else.
I mean you assume that a significant number of NDP voters would vote for the libs if they weren’t there (or maybe vice-versa). I’m really not sure of that.
Or if the debates weren’t managed by a private entity owned by the other two parties.
Canada has first past the post voting, and 3 active parties. My province has first pas the post and has 4 major parties (with a 5th one that is close but can’t get a representative in). I’ll agree that ranked voting at least would be a lot better.
Outside the US college is sometimes stilll a good path. I’ve seen people blow it (useless degrees with no plan to get a job with it, etc.). but if you pick the right field it helps a lot.
Where I’m from, they know. The news have done a good job of reporting on it, and they see the cost of houses, and whatnot be worse than before. It’s kind of new from the last 5 or so years, before that they didn’t get it. But now it’s pretty obvious so long as they watch the news or pay attention to their kids and grandkid’s lives.
No, we use quatre-vignt dix (4x20+10), just like the French. If anyone is using octante or huitante, it is not common parlance to say the least.
Quebec is also messed up, unfortunately.
I think this depends on the crowd. Unfortunately, the intelligent crowd and the crowd with money and power is not exactly the same. Though hopefully there is overlap.