Oh, wow. Yeah, TheLadyEve was the moderator I replied to, and the one that banned me. Good to have confirmation I did nothing wrong and they were just a terrible mod.
Thanks for the Reddit history tour lol.
Oh, wow. Yeah, TheLadyEve was the moderator I replied to, and the one that banned me. Good to have confirmation I did nothing wrong and they were just a terrible mod.
Thanks for the Reddit history tour lol.
…I might have been banned from that subreddit about shaming people. I got banned from some small cooking sub like that for “spamming” with like two comments in the whole sub. Turns out one was a reply to the moderator, and I guess they didn’t like that.
Oooh, I couldn’t remember the name but it just hit me. Was it r/iamveryculinary? I don’t recall any brigading but I wasn’t there for long.
I’ve seen a couple of my comments popping back up- from my understanding it’s just the ones that are in previously privated subreddits.
I’m glad I didn’t delete my entire account now, though.
Same here. I was holding off on properly deleting my account for some of the more niche stuff on Reddit, but at this point… fuck it I’ll still lurk occasionally but I ain’t logging in.