This is it. A strong public domain benefits everyone. It is why open source software works.
This is it. A strong public domain benefits everyone. It is why open source software works.
It’s the same trick as rebranding bank robberies to identity theft. It puts the blame on the consumer who can’t afford to defend themselves.
A lot of shows were “filmed in front of a live studio audience”. I don’t think that makes it better than canned laughs. It affects the pacing of the jokes, where the characters will tell a joke, wait for laughs, tell the next joke, etc. Any time I see that now, it makes the show feel dated, but that doesn’t mean it was a bad show.
I remember really enjoying the Aladdin series, but that one might have been more mainstream.
I always go with buggy whip manufacturers and ice delivery people.
It’s actually 1.5 by 3.5 because of reasons.
I personally prefer the Kirkland signature brand to La Croix. But that just be me.