• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • "Source? I AM THE SOURCE, PugJack. Truth? Fact checking? In this world the strong and the powerful decide the truth, and WE write the facts to be checked against. (Well I guess theres also the patriot AIs who gave you the twenty minute redpill in MGS2 but thats besides the point!)

    Heres a little History Explaination: For you PugJack. Theres no book that can’t be rewritten with a couple million dollars in the right pockets, a pile of bodies, and a country full of willfully ignorant idiots who believe whatever daddy Armstrong tells them. Natures rule is might makes right.

    Speaking of fields of bodies, after martial law breaks down and millions of corpses litter our great beautiful nation it will be prime land for agriculture. Im gonna fertilize the continent with the weak and bring back americas natural resources, and hemp. So much hemp. Were gonna grow some real patriotic shit using real american patriot corpses. Talk about localizing jobs!"

  • I use discord to contribute as a dev for open source project and constantly needing to pull up years old conversations for reference. One of the few ways my close-to-perfect memory actually helps out is remembering who said what and when word for word so I know exactly what keywords to type into the search bar. Its such a good feeling being able to go "oh yeah speaking of the suggestion on adding ambient tracks for X thing one of our composers already made test tracks for that like two years ago. Let me hunt down the tracks they uploaded. Now who exactly was that composer again? I think it was X, let me browse through their chat history pinpoints it on first try

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldI am having an existential crysis about this
    1 month ago

    Redditor chud behavior: gets bothered by a single downvote, edits comment to ask why they were down voted turning into a rant about the NPCs and sheeples who disagree with them. Subconsciously worried about karma points and awards.

    Lemming chad behavior: Gets 20 upvotes and 10 down votes, happy 30 people reads their thing and glad to have put a controversial opinion into the world that might make someone think a new way.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldGetting older
    2 months ago

    I see your five paragraph long greentext post about forming pacts with deities from pagan occultism to charge your J.O crystals with long forgotten rituals requiring blessed lube on /x/, and raise the ante by sharing six paragraphs of my personal tales using heroic doses of magic mushrooms to experience ego death, astral project, and telepathically communicate with divine cosmic consciousness using trees as a medium!

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    2 months ago

    Physics is just applied math and math is just abstract physics without universal constraints.

    They are two sides of the same coin that is universal logic, which views fundimental abstract concepts and the arrangement/ change of physical structures as equally important in its operations.

    Maybe the distinction between prime number and boson breaks down at some level of reality as pure information packaged in slightly different ways. The same laws that govern the fractal dance between order and entropy build similar geometries whether working with imaginary numbers in the complex plane or arranging base atoms into higher orders of being within in the observable universe.

    Thanks to Gödel’s incompleteness theorem at least we know we will never really have a complete picture of the truth of it.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWerk werk
    2 months ago

    Ill take the L on not knowing that psychical was a word. However you and the other person seem to not be acknowledging that the poster did in fact misspell the word they admitted they aren’t a native english speaker. Thats a detail thats very easy to to actively ignore while on your way to ‘bhut acthually’ someone. As a final thought, I went to google trends to see how many people search up ‘psychical’, theres not even enough searches using that word to form statistical trends. Ive never heard of it before someone accidentally misspelled their way into it and almost certainly I will never hear it again after this conversation is done. Its a dead word like many in the english language. That doesn’t matter, the armchair linguist got the chemicals flowing in your brain from correcting someone on the internet, you got what you came for now fuck off.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's true.
    6 months ago

    Me, a nerd: its just a joke don’t go off on a tangent, dont go off on a tangent, dont go - just let it be… I just… I just…


    So achtbually, nature works with transcendental real numbers on the complex plane with uncountably infinite precision.

    Lets break this math nerd statement down in a way normal people might understand. First, most numbers are multi-dimensional and live on a plane instead of a line. The straight integer number line like 0, 1, 2 is just a small slice of the plane. In this plane, imaginary numbers occupy their own dimension. Complex numbers which are made of both real and imaginary parts occupy another dimension.

    Moreover, most numbers are also infinitely precise thus being uncalculatable. Their decimal places go on forever and ever without repeating or being representable with a ratio of integers. Its why we only have good approximations for pi instead of an exact pinpoint knowledge of it. There are methods to get closer and closer approximations but you need an infinite time frame to complete that unending process.

    Theres actually somehow more uncountably real numbers than countable integers and ratios, even though they are both infinite. There are more decimal numbers between 0-1 than there are integers between 0-infinity. One form of infinity is literally bigger than another, and that bigger infinity is the one nature likes working with.

    Moreover, most of our universal physical and mathematical constants are transcendental reals because nature gets a hard-on for baking multidimensional fractal holomorphic topology and complex nonlinear equations into its magical abstraction bullshit logic.

    Theoretical physicist during the 20th century were VERY salty about finding complex and imaginary real numbers in their physical equations. Since it implies that complex numbers arent just imaginary tools of abstrction but somehow “real” and affects the universes physical machinery. Nonlinear dynamic equations put a bullet through the brains of classical scientific determinism. Thank you very much, chaos theory and entropy.

    It’s not that we invented imaginary numbers, its that they were the missing piece to fully complete our understanding of algebra. With them, we finally graduated from cave man linear algebra, to discovering holomorphic dynamics which model the way natural systems actually work. After 2000 years of banging basic logical abstractions together to make a enough decent sparks of discovery for a real smoldering fire.

    Computer processing power sure helped to visualize these higher dimensional topologies for our little monkey brains to process with our eyeballs in real time instead of just thinking about this stuff in the minds eye. I sure cant visualize a 4D hypercube let alone a 20ishD hyperstructure that AI image network picture forms brought down to three dimensions.

    Really its a miracle that we have even a thin narrow portion of numbers we can compute, all our regular integers and ratios are islands distanced apart by an infinitely deep ocean.

    In case you were wondering about the stuff in the image: Multidimensional AI activation map showing how and image AI organizes its knowledge on a neural network. Similar concepts or images are closer together.

    3D mandelbrot set with the logistic map highlighted along its real number line axis. https://github.com/jonnyhyman/Chaos

    minibrot zoom in

    algae colony arranging itself into conjoined 2nd iteration sierpinski triangle, screenshot from a journey to the microcosmos video.

    pascals algebraic triangle encoding the sierpinski triangle by if the number is even or odd (base/mod 2)

    the dynamic map of where a pendulum will land if pulled upon by three magnets equally spaced given its initial starting spot. https://youtu.be/C5Jkgvw-Z6E

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldI AM HAVING FUN GUYS!!
    6 months ago

    I’m very glad that I’m transitioning out of being a gamer at this point in my life. I still enjoy a good game from time to time but I genuinely have had my fill and have little desire to spend any more of my finite life staring at a computer monitor for hours risking an RSI just to chase those fleeting feelings of “fun”.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTerminally offline SO
    7 months ago

    manly tear wells in my eye I remember this like it t’were yesterday… the newer generations of memers with their freshly minted terminology like skibado and 5 meme-levels deep hyper-meta self aware references today wouldn’t appreciate the simplicity of the vintage pieces, but me? Bahck in my… dayyyyy. shudders with nostalgia and dementia Me gusta sir, me gusta. Keep the torch alive.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlLeftist game be like
    1 year ago

    Man I really want to play disco but I really don’t want to pirate it either. Everyone’s always saying dont pay for it so I havent but is keeping 10$ out of a publishers hands and holding off on experiencing an awesome game just to ‘own the corpos’ really worth it? feels dumber every year I hold off on it.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTELL ME YOUR SECRETS
    1 year ago

    My personal idea is that they are objects created both to flex metalworking craftsman skill and in worship of sacred geometry. Ancient peoples ascribed divinity to the harmonies of the universe, especially the harmonies in mathematics like geometry. The fancier looking platonic solids like dodecahedron and icosohedron have almost magical levels of symmetry built in to them making them both aesthetically pleasing complex shapes. The fact they even exist inspires philosophical and even spiritual thoughts. As far as I understand romans had some very impressive archetecture incorporating mathematical ratios almost constantly, archetects and metal workers may very well have needed to worship geometry as a divine aspect in order to achieve such neurotic levels of mathematics in their aesthetic.