I mean the message is good, but the medium is, well slop.
I mean the message is good, but the medium is, well slop.
AI slop.
Oh my god… I was going to make a “Sonic beating himself” joke but this is way better then anything I had in mind.
To each their own I suppose.
Honestly, I really hate glowing keyboards I go out of my way to avoid them. Same with fans and cases with a LED lightshow built in.
The problem is that it’s so hard to find components that constantly don’t glow all the time. Even my computer has a LED fan in it, because it was all I could find for cheap. Fortunately it’s a old “metal box” type case so except for a vent on the side the glow is almost unnoticeable… but occasionally when the rooms dark I’ll see the slight glow seeping out and get annoyed all over again that a tiny fraction of the power my PC is using is for lighting up a closed box.
I honestly had to use a Gameshark code to get past it.
The problem is over saturation IMO. I don’t know if it was a local channel thing but for a while it seemed every third advertisement was Charmin cartoon bears and their wiping habits. I really grew to loathe their mascot during that time.
the only lasting 9/11 memory i have is when the budweiser ad with the kneeling clydesdales came on during the super bowl and i said “those horses are praying to mecca” and my friend’s uncle got so mad that he had to go in the backyard
That’s hilarious.
Also god damn I’m old, 9/11 happened when I was in college.
Eh, I’m gonna disagree. There were plenty of YA novels at about that time that were popular enough to get movies, were liked by girls and were written by women. The Hunger games, Divergent, heck even Harry Potter caught hardly any flak (well with the exception being when J.K. Rowling decided to take a hard right down Terf street).
IMO the reason why Twilight and Stephenie get so much hate is A) Stephenie isn’t a very good writer, and B) the central theme of the books is how important it is to have a boyfriend/be horny for a guy who wants to kill and eat you. This the bedrock of the Twilight hate, it’s a bland book with a bland plot which was only successful because tapped into a vein of teenage horny. Like… imagine if the central theme of Harry Potter was how attractive Harry found Voldemort and how much he wanted to bang him and teenagers were going wild for how romantic and inspiring their relationship was. I have a feeling this alternate version of Harry Potter would catch a lot more hate too.
Armor was a status symbol and includes sexualized designs to demonstrate the girth of your
As I understand it, it was also a sort of advertisement. It was basically saying “It took a lot of money to make this fancy armor, so I’m worth more alive and ransom-able rather then dead on this battlefield”
Only for a while.
Once the narrative changed he did comics showing the poor innocent insurrectionists being baited into attacking the capitol building. I think there were a couple “false flag” narrative comics too.
IIRC there has been speculation that teosinte was originally cultivated for their stalks which were juiced much like sugar cane. Only later when a mutation got rid of the rock hard seed coat did it become a grain crop.
It’s so great that I’m sure some dispensary is already using it.
What gets me is this shows he knew how much of a disaster this was gonna be. It’s like saying “Hmm… before I shoot myself in the foot, I should sell my shoes!”
I’d read a comic with bishie Batman.
I don’t know what your neck of the woods is like but here in “High altitude misery land, were subsoil is the only soil in your yard and it’ll freeze in June because fuck you” it’s a struggle to get anything out of the garden.
This year, something went wrong with the peppers and tomatoes I started indoors (I suspect the potting soil) and they never grew over 1.5 inches tall, even after they were hardened off and planted outdoors in proper soil. As such, I bought a pepper and a tomato from a retail store. The pepper is still only about a foot tall, but the tomato was actually bushing out fairly well, about 4’ tall… and then something ate it down to maybe 3’-2.5’-ish. The squash I started indoors did much better and survived hardening off well. After I put them into the garden the earwigs actually waited a whole week to eat them down to stumps. And I absolutely need to water… it takes about two days for the plants to start wilting.
My garden makes me appreciate the supermarket every year.
It’s not too surprising. Tomatoes are usually eaten uncooked, so the seeds are almost always viable when they hit the sewer system. Add to that tomatoes are tropical, so when a seed hits the soil it’s gonna start growing.
More like “botnets strong”. That’s what really soured me on the second /r/place, it was completely taken over by crypto fanatics and meme stock morons running bots.
Well, for starters the billboard is only about 15’ tall and goes over the road. That’s not normal. Everything has a odd inconsistent blurry look to it and all of the smaller text is distorted and illegible.
Finally, the details on… well everything are wrong. Why does the white truck in the foreground have one giant door with a handle in the middle and a second handle on the truckbed? What is the traffic flow in this image? How many lanes does the road have? Why are all the lamps on the top of the billboard pointed so weirdly? What sort of neighborhood is this in?