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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2021


  • The people who have spent time telling is that Ukraine is fighting for its nation against an invader and how its good are having a real hard time reconciling with reality as evidenced by the amount of down votes.

    If anything, this Hamas operation revealed you fucks’ true faces. It was never about “liberty of the people” “self governance” or “respect of territorial integrity”. It’s just that you’re bloodthirsty monsters desperate to have a side to pick and finding excuses for why you always align with the largest imperial power in the world.

  • Realistically, out of the very few people (in relative terms, of course) that use signaly, I highly doubt there was a huge number that relied on it for SMS. Or even knew about SMS. First, you have to rule out anyone who was using it on iOS (by this point, you probably have thousands of people left out of the entire pool - yes I’m kinda pullin that out of my ass but you get my point - which is nothing).

    So killing SMS definitely wasn’t the make or break for Signal. Not even close to being likely.