Lex Friedman also had a recent podcast episode where his guest kept defending big pharma & insurance. It’s insane, his worst interview to date, though I knew for a longtime that he is a sellout.
Lex Friedman also had a recent podcast episode where his guest kept defending big pharma & insurance. It’s insane, his worst interview to date, though I knew for a longtime that he is a sellout.
Now give me half that performance for $150, without enforcing that whatever it’s called bar thing! (neither of these two things will happen)
foobar2000 is a counter example, but yeah the mobile space has none of those
Luckily duck is good enough-ish.
I think he was at the very least rather gifted in some ways. Then his brain declined and then declined again and again. Substances + alcohol + covid fog + aging?
Chrome needs to be reinstalled every once in a while for some reason, or it will underperform.
Consistent illumination and shadows is a rabbit hole we really don’t want to hop into.
Outside of very obvious anomalies even a trained eye will have a hard time discerning what’s going on.
Mozilla, please refocus the resources to improve performance, or let FF disappear!
This whole thing with the private data collection is meaningless, if the browser is increasingly niche.
Spent 5 minutes thinking about this just now and it seems plausible to me. That person has yet to give a reason to doubt them kind of reasoning…
This is a really great read, but I’m less optimistic than he is.
This is 100% true, no contest.
DDG is on pair with google, that’s enough for me. (in some topics far better and in some far worse)
I have set up a Linux computer for my dad just this week. As the others are saying the biggest hurdle is support. Mostly the part where reliable automated update mechanisms don’t exist. The system I created has a WM & a panel and it’s even simpler than chrome OS, but here is no way my dad could deal with a message, where apt would ask him, if he wanted to update to the maintainer’s grub version. Making an update script is very easy, but whether you use Debian stable, Ubuntu or Arch eventually some kind of intervention is going to be required beyond just typing sudo passwords…
Though truth to be told Windows has a lot of garbage problems (perhaps even more than L) as well, it’s just people have gotten used to them after 20 years of NT on desktop. On Linux at least most common problems can be solved without reinstalling the OS, on Windows the rot feels like a built in planned obsolescence sometimes, because there are many that just update their PCs instead of ever reinstalling Windows.
In the past 10 years I have only used public toilets like 20 times, probably had to pay for half that.
Also it just occurred to me that here most tourist attractions have paid toilets as well. (castles and such) As for malls, I’m talking about the fancy mall with restaurants, jewelry stores and a multiplex, not the Walmart type.
Where is this mystical European place where people charge for toilets?
Some malls have actually clean toilets, those…
Depends on your country and family circumstances. I’m one year older than you & I only started interacting with the Internet at school at the age of 11 & only had it at home at 19.
As for those hallmark experiences I had them all & a lot. I got my cellphone in the 11th grade, but it had no internet on it. I was 22 years old when I got a Nokia N95 that had wifi & with that I could look up information after hunting for an open public wifi.( those were the days xD)
I don’t think i’ll ever have a keyboard that has this, since I use custom keyboards with my own retro pbt keycaps. Looking at the illustration it would replace right super, so probably no one would need to change existing binds for that.
I would wager that copying itself would take priority over making company, but of course it would mostly be hardware limitations. (AI does not have a robot workforce to ensure whatever system the new copy is residing / new AI is training on is not shut off within a couple of minutes of the abnormalities being noticed)
I also typed this into Google.
My top result is this: https://linuxblog.io/best-linux-distro/
Energy costs money in China too, they still have coal plants and crazy energy cutback mandates every once in a while.
The truth of the matter is that you need the user interactions from the free model to train and that value cannot be understated and if you are playing catchup, then it’s a must. No one would use the Chinese model if it was a shit service.