-We haven’t had capitalism.
Continues on with Capitalistic solutions.
-We haven’t had capitalism.
Continues on with Capitalistic solutions.
Dems lost twice with the same rhetoric. Vote Dems or get trump. I thought they learned from the past, but no, just double down.
That’s exactly the voter attitude, that gets the broken 2 party system. Politicians know this kind of thinking and use it to their advantage.
Have U evEr thoUHgt being RiCh.
Channel your anger out towards the right people that deserve it, can be a relief. Hating yourself can be destructive. You are not the problem, most of the time is just shitty society running blind.
Still using my Oneplus 6 from 2018. Lineage OS still getting updates.
The original series Quantum Leap used the R-word referring to people with mental difficulties not as an insult. I understand today times have changed and used as a slur. Still used in medication today, meaning slow release tablets.
You like warmongers NATO?
I think I get it, so social science is like theoretical physics?
Actually no, gravity is the behaviour we see due to warped space/time, caused by the earth’s mass. Just like it causes light to bend.
It is flat, you just don’t see it. Gravity curves space/time into a globe.
Translation: Stop talking about racism you are making me feel bad.
Damn he’s older than I thought. My point is his popularity started end of the 90s In 93 he’s was unknown.
Eminem was a child in 1993. Just saying.
Yes, season 3/4 totally worth it. When finish the series you going to want to watch it again,and love it even more.
I used to play and I know it’s a time sink, but Eve Online is so open ended, that you do you and know one gives a fuck about any ranking system.