The only comment worth upvoting
The only comment worth upvoting
Holy shit that was hilarious to read. But sad that people took that propaganda seriously
Still, even if we take just police numbers, Then bremen (45k) and hamburg (50k, massive lowball) already reach pretty much 100k. if you take into account all the other 20k+ demonstrations happening, and the other really big ones like berlin and munich, this isnt just a conservative estimate, its outright dishonest
And? Different language versions of wikipedia articles arent just translated from one another, they are written independently from each other. There is probably also alot in the german article that you wont find in the english version.
Also more likely to spend more time at home.
Danke Merkel, danke für die schöne zeit…
Its true of course that this was merkels fault, but lets be honest, its not like the ampel-coalition would have done anything against it, were it not for the war in ukraine
Most of the time, it works if you just select the 3 most fitting ones
Aka scabs
Sorry, but no. They arent just a party that happens to be against migrants and is called nazis because of that. That is a part of their reportoire, but the connections go far deeper than that.
The AfD is anti-migrant, anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-women, anti-handicapped, anti-minority and anti-“”“bankers”“” (i.e jews).
Their members routinely (both in public and even more severely in private) make reference to programs and actions by the nazis. Every now and then a photo of one of them doing a hitler salute or standing in front of the hakenkreuz-flag goes public. They have connections to right-wing terrorists.
At the latest when höcke called for a “180 degree turn in history politics" (i.e towards the third reich, not away from it), I have lost any semblence of understanding for anyone who isnt willing to realize that the AfD isnt just a conservative party to the right of CDU/CSU.
They are Nazis.
And not calling them that for some attempt at political maneuvering just means that they and their voters arent confronted with the history and opposition to their ideas, and can instead continue to mask as “just conservatives”.
Coolest logo
Generally agree, but your point about GOG is wrong. Not only can you install games from their platform, its also (to my knowledge) the only storefront where you can get games completely DRM-Free, since you dont need GOG Galaxy to download or install their games
How is that supposed to combat tax fraud? Nobody keeps their receipts, and in the end if im not offered one when i dont want one, im not gonna ask for it
I have used rustdesk before, and was pretty happy with it
Could you still link it? There might be germans interested
I have chinese friends too, and they think your posts suck