Thank you. My distrust in humanity is restored.
Thank you. My distrust in humanity is restored.
Cab you tell me more about that? I don’t have experience with non monogamous relationships, but I always assumed that it is exhausting. At least when you don’t just sleep with each other but also share your emotions.
There have been a couple of debunking videos about stoicism lately. I think there is a danger in the deterministic nature of some teachers to consolidate conservative thinking. But you can also put a progressive spin on it. There are some stoic teachers who tell you how to look at the world from a mainly objective point of view, but act nonetheless. “Yes, I know the world is tuff, yes I am in pain/hurt/weak, but I will do what has to be done anyway.” It is a sort of call for action that doesn’t depend on motivation.
Always use protection, everyone.