I don’t, but I wish I did.
I don’t, but I wish I did.
My parents used to be against me taking my meds. Been on them for nearly 9 years now.
I was forced to stop taking them for months due to a shortage last year.
My mother came over one day to find my house absolutely trashed, my mail piled up, my water shut off, I had gained 20 lbs, and all sorts of other “fun” things I was unable to address thanks to my condition.
She no longer encourages me to stop taking my meds.
Meds can be good. They may not be right for everyone, but take them if they help (while working with a qualified medical professional).
Y’all silly. They already have machines that write stuff out for you with pens and stuff. And markers, too.
I have one! A Cricut. But there are more kinds out there.
What about a platypus? It could be considered part/half-duck. Or even duck-like!
Pic of your credit card and/or social security card only.
I had to do this recently with one of my sisters.
She’s so self-centered to the point where I just can’t stand her, and she keeps crossing boundaries that I have repeatedly set.
Turns out, my mother begrudgingly admitted “She’s not malicious, she’s just mind-numbingly stupid.” I observed quietly for some time, and… yeah. She’s just stupid. That’s the only way I can’t be mad at her, so that’s what is keeping the peace between us.
“How do I be normal?”
I mean yeah. Welcome to the internet. Lemmy is pretty okay, all things considered.
These links are not for the faint of heart.
And this is only what gets reported. Rest assured, a majority of abuse is never reported.
Poverty is so much more prevalent for single mothers, as well.
Must be nice, tbh.
Maybe we should leave them blissful and free? Not spread disease in the colony?
I am not personally familiar with the Japanese medical system, but I would not be shocked if that were the case.
Add “treating women really shitty and unfairly” to the checklist.
Work hours are long and grueling. Childcare is phenomenally expensive, and that’s assuming you can even find childcare, which is near impossible. Children are expensive. Cost of living is high. Cheating and domestic violence are rates are high. Women have no confidence that they will be supported or be able to provide support if they decide to have a child, and they are very right to think that.
Scarce resources avaliable for women who have children is the reason for the decline. You could never pay me enough to ever have a child in Japan.
Not mention, plenty of Japanese adults grew up being abused and/or neglected by their own parents while growing up in a pressure-cooker society. Maybe they’re thinking twice about bringing another human into the world because of that, as well?
Yeah, that’d be fuckin’ awesome.
Imagine a spouse that is creative, loves you very much, and puts effort into your nutrition.
Now imagine someone insulting both you and your wonderful spouse because they go above and beyond the expected standard.
The fuck?
I do this for mental illness.
My parents do not like when I joke about it at family get-togethers.
But hey! That’s their fault!
My kid now has to sit in classrooms where kids scream, threaten people, throw things, and break shit. The teacher has had to evacuate the classroom until these kids calm down. Barely any teaching or learning takes place because these poor teachers are far too busy trying to manage these students.
My kid went from top student in every single grade to an anxious wreck because he now has to deal with kids who threaten to hurt both other students and themselves.
I’m very much for “education for all”, but this ain’t the way to do it. It’s a fuckin’ mess out there. I don’t envy the kids of today in the slightest.