Zom 100 did multi colored splatters and I think that was much more fun and not cum looking than this. Also very weird thing to censor, like does it being red vs white seriously change anything?
Zom 100 did multi colored splatters and I think that was much more fun and not cum looking than this. Also very weird thing to censor, like does it being red vs white seriously change anything?
Ah yes the only laptops/desktops that pit alien ware to shame for the price to performance ratio.
Quick name one mass murder or genocide in the name of atheism.
Ah yes because we need a million additional versions of the same game we already get every year.
Just think, one could create a non ornamental version with cheaper materials…
Might be an unpopular opinion but to me the series of portraits aged great, became more and more stylized and interesting to look at. first one is done well for sure but is kinda boring imo.
Usually it’s better to have more inflow since it leads to higher pressure inside the case and leads to air only being brought in though fans and their filters instead of through any part of the case. Better for dust management and cleaning basically.
Is that boulder as in the place or boulder as in the subspace of climbing low to the ground without a rope?
Congresspeoplw not just men. Don’t want to leave out MTG.