What do you expect when you enshrine in law, that corporations are legally obligated to do everything they can increase profits.
What do you expect when you enshrine in law, that corporations are legally obligated to do everything they can increase profits.
Ya know, I wouldn’t mind ads,
No, I’m never going to buy a car based off an ad. Block em all.
No, I’m never switching insurance companies based on an ad.
No, I’m not interested in mobile games. Ever.
And yet when I tell google, block this content, not interested, I don’t want to see this particular topic.
It just doesn’t fucking listen.
You’d think this would be an absolute GOLD MINE of information that google would want, to better focus their ads,.
But they just ignore it,
It’s not about linking people to stuff they are interested in and taking a percentage… it’s about wasting everyone’s fucking time, and then they wonder why people run ad blockers.
Yeah, them TF2 Solider Boots for sure.
Driving 2 hours in the UK doesn’t really get you anywhere either.
Not a straight road in that country.
I don’t give a fuck it it’s a quran, bible, flag, or your underwear.
Stop burning shit in public.
Make a protest, write an article, say your piece, don’t give a shit.
But there’s no need to burn shit in public.
The amount of CCTV in the UK even 15 years ago was uncanny and creepy AF
Everywhere I went, there were camera’s EVERYWHERE.
That ship has sailed a long time ago… UK citizens are used to having camera’s on them at all times already.
That’s a fair argument. Even if every used a tiny bit, there would still be a lot of loss to the atmosphere through leaks/etc of the distribution system.
So yes 100% elimination would be ideal.
But this could be a viable middle step between 100% gas heating -> Supplemental/Heat Pump -> 100% Heat Pump
I mean, in the colder climates that have natural gas piped to homes anyway.
Why not use a pilot light worth of gas to keep the evap side a tad bit warmer on the days that it drops real cold.
Sure, your still using some gas, but you’ll be extreme sipping at it.
because those are the videos that pop off.
Yeah, drama gets clicks,
But Steve did say at the beginning, that this video is unmonetized.
So I give him credit for taking that step.
For mechanical engineering, any thing computer or programming related will be
Python and C/C++
knowing your way around MATLAB.
and maybe possibly Ladder-Logic or Function Block. (PLC’s and the like)
All depends on what engineering you end up doing. But Python is a good place to start.
They can’t lock down or do it with 3D Printers.
WTF thinks you can do it with 2D?
What a goof.