Not necessarily. A burrito can have one or both ends closed off. So it can also be a quiche or a calzone.
Not necessarily. A burrito can have one or both ends closed off. So it can also be a quiche or a calzone.
You can install it using powershell, you just need to memorize the script!
I imagine a split keyboard requires you to at least type properly?
I’m a software engineer with wrist issues, and would love to use an ergonomic keyboard, but I never really learned to type properly. I often have my hands overlapping the opposite sides of the keyboard. I’ll use all finger on my hands, but mainly it’s my pointer, middle, and ring finger doing the typing. I feel like this would be impossible on a split kayboard, and would take a crazy amount of time to get back up to speed typing properly.
Before I deleted Twitter, I had blocked numerous accounts. I mainly used it for Hockey related things, and the amount of harassment, bots, and spam that happens in hockey Twitter (probably sports Twitter as a whole) is astounding. Removing blocking will make Twitter far more unusable, or at least less tolerable.
When I was in high school, the history teacher you got was like winning the lottery. One teacher showed war movies and had “fun” assignments related to that movie. The other teacher had written assignments almost every class.
I got super lucky… He was a fantastic teacher. Last I heard, some students ratted on him and he had to change his curriculum.