Gotta get the Darn Tough socks. No more tossing in the trash, they have a lifetime warranty but they also last forever. After many years I finally just sent like 12 pairs in and got all new ones.
Infrastructure nerd, gamer, and maintainer
Gotta get the Darn Tough socks. No more tossing in the trash, they have a lifetime warranty but they also last forever. After many years I finally just sent like 12 pairs in and got all new ones.
Oh look, it’s another old white guy trying to solve a problem he’s not affected by and probably hasn’t personally experienced.
Edit: Sorry that was so negative, but these are all pretty basic things you’re stating. Anyone likely to read this list and action items like this, is likely already staunchly pro black.
Would be good to see some more items that would make people do a double take and say “oh, I do that, I didn’t realize that could be construed as anti black”. Use your experience as a non black person to try and identify ways that a white person might be impacting black people unintentionally.
It’d just be eleven eleven, we don’t say twenty two hundred twenty four.
Yeah but then you have a customer calling and screaming at you “We just launched our big sale of the year and our site has been down for an hour!!!”.
If you let them burst and bill them, you end up with angry clients. If you don’t, you end up with angry clients. Letting them burst and being forgiving with the bill is the better approach IMHO.
Before everyone gets their pitchforks out - Person from the image posted on Hacker News, CEO replied and said this charge shouldn’t have happened and they wouldn’t be charging the client anything.
Software just changes too much IMHO. That thing isn’t going to support the latest wifi security setting you want to turn on in 5 years. For long term appliances, I would avoid anything that requires use of an app or loses functionality without one.
Why do you need an app to guide you through cooking?
Why would you buy a kitchen appliance that requires an app in the first place? Optional, sure. Required? Fuck no.
Your concerns of software support are valid. Typically the companies lose interest within 5 years in my experience.
Also I have no idea what appliance this is in the picture. Is this a stand mixer? Combined with a scale? And an induction cooker? Just buy one of each and save a pile of money and hassle. Integrated devices never do anything well.
I guarantee this hardware will fail within 10 years. Your 30 hand me down probably has no digital circuits in it, it’s all mechanical and easily repaired.
I think so, the depth of field doesn’t really make sense.
The prices will apply to vehicles weighing more than 1.6 tonnes with a combustion engine or hybrid vehicles, and more than 2 tonnes for electric vehicles. The move will not apply to Paris residents’ parking.
So sounds like it’s weight based, which makes sense I think
I ran into it in a mall in London, was pretty surprised.
He’s a tech icon. I think this belongs here just fine.
This must be a regional thing. I’ve never heard of this. The sewers are still further down than my parents basement.
Do you have some sort of poop rated pump?
That’s how all hot water heaters work. His just uses natural gas instead of electricity.
Thps introduced a whole generation of kids to punk rock.
I’ll always love goldfinger superman.
Hasn’t this already happened? I don’t see screensaver very often anymore.
I run 10G over the shitty cat 5 they used for my phone wiring, although at less than 200’. You can get away with worse than what the specs say.
There’s plenty of disposable email services out there.
I’ve got tons of their socks in a variety of styles and I’ve never had an issue.