*Hope we don’t sturgeon you too much
*Hope we don’t sturgeon you too much
That’s why I specified Red Book Audio (the actual CD Audio standard). Most people I know haven’t upgraded their CD Player since the 90s, and by the time MP3 got popular, people weren’t using CDs to listen to them.
Lies, you can’t fit 12 hours of Audio on a CD (at least not Red Book Audio)!!!
I’m not sure I’d call the whole show transphobic, however I only remember two or three times they mentioned transgender people on the show and it was always in a bad context.
One time Sheldon and Leonard were discussing how Penny was an improvement in almost every way over the previous tenant next door who was a tall muscular black transsexual (that’s the word they used). Another time Howard told a story where he hooked up with someone only to find out that they were a pre-op transsexual, which got him an “Oooohh” of pity from the audience/laugh track.
I’d still much rather have a cat
Sometimes I’ll randomly remember a joke or funny situation from years ago and suddenly grin or laugh about it again. Then people ask me what’s so funny and I can’t really explain.
Odysee/LBRY is just another bit of crypto crap.
That, and while it was kinda nice in the beginning with a bunch of Linux / Tech / Science creators and a friendly community, it quickly became dominated by bigotry and conspiracy theories.
The fact that it’s a screen recording of MS Paint really sells it
I feel like it does make a difference but it might just be placebo.
It’s like that with any game for me. I don’t do that much gaming overall but roughly once every couple of months I’ll get lost in Terraria, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Prison Architect, No Mans Sky or what not for a few days at a time and when that phase ends I won’t play any games for months to come.
German Grammar Fun Fact 3: “Sie” is also “she” and “they” in addition to the formal “you”. Which also means that it can’t work like the gender neutral singular “they” in english.