You’re paying for the content in the case of the newspapers. It is a similar cost to print on newsprint as to run a website. It saves them no money. Most of what you are paying for is for the journalism, writing, editing, etc. Content costs money.
You’re paying for the content in the case of the newspapers. It is a similar cost to print on newsprint as to run a website. It saves them no money. Most of what you are paying for is for the journalism, writing, editing, etc. Content costs money.
I would argue that according to this diagram, stuffed crust is in fact a sushi tube connecting to itself in a circle around the pizza.
What if belief results in creation? Why would I want to believe in this Lovecraftian noodle-god, when the very act of belief might spawn this horror into our universe? Our only protection is disbelief.
Sure. It can know that I am, but that doesn’t mean I want it watching.
I always take off my watch when I’m fucking. Feels weird with the algorithm watching.
Only a little strange?
Mold is a fungus. Same group as mushrooms, yeast, etc. Some mushrooms are edible and delicious. So are some molds. The mold in blue cheese is not the same as the kind that makes food inedible.
I got complimented on my hat like three times in two days. I’m never taking it off again.
The meat and potatoes of Chinese imperialism.
Add Tibet, Xianchang, Manchuria, as separate countries and switch Inner Mongolia to being part of Mongolia and now we’re getting somewhere.
Except Israel isn’t the colonizer, it’s their land as much as it’s Palestinian land too.
Yeah, that could be Hamas too.
Well you should probably just do the dishes instead of making memes about it.
If you ran for 24 hours straight you’d have burned off a ton more than 2k calories…
I expect that Elon is going to buy them and just get rid of the useless Ma part of the name.
Make better coleslaw maybe?
I dunno man, every time I was in Europe and told people I was from Seattle they were like, Nirvana!!! Even like decades after Cobain killed himself.
I mean it’s more Fern Gully than pure Pocahontas.
Guess I’m wearing a hat for the next six months.
I see you’ve been to 8oz.