I fuck numbers.
I don’t think it’s feminism at that point. It’s misandry. I know many women who don’t understand the difference, but they’re not the same.
Even though it’s not as popular as the other options, parts of NetBSD are used for many usecases. Take a look at
and you’ll see many familiar names.
Are there really people who will buy a new mouse rather than charging it? How long does the charging take? Also, at that point, wouldn’t they buy from any brand other than Apple?
The original artist: lisanne_waifu
That’s kinda true. LibreTube ftw.
It’s actually from the first episode of This World Can’t Tear Me Down, which is the successor to that series.
That’s literally Megumin from KonoSuba lol. She’s supposed to be one of the strongest wizards around, but refuses to learn anything other than explosion magic. Explosion magic is basically useless in most situations, as it just flattens a huge area.
Do you know what they call it in Paris?
Hey, we don’t say that word here.
Fun fact: Ghoti is a (sort of) derogatory term for people with ancestry from West Bengal (a state in India) used by people with ancestry from Bangladesh. (Sort of, because no one really considers it offensive. The modern use is usually limited to signifying cultural differences.)
I need your drive, man. I work at a university. People are mostly nice, but I still get annoyed with it.
What credit card company? That seems like such blatant fraud.
Once my friend put total in place of tips. He was very drunk that day. He went over next day to talk to them and they obviously fixed it. That seems like common sense to me.
Only in US. In many (most?) countries, credit cards do have PINs.
Also, you don’t actually need to share your own data to be vulnerable. Some stupid relative sharing their genetic information is enough to have some ideas about you. I’m fortunate that it’s hasn’t caught on in my home country.
There are sometimes reason to use it. It’s shorter, so easier to remember. It’s also easier to send in text. I use a selfhosted shortener, so I can use these as dynamic links and can change the target if I need to while keeping the shortlink the same. But I agree that most don’t use it for respectable reasons.