die GRööönneennn
Yeah but how will afford their 8th superyacht or 20th divorce and subsequent marriage to an 18 year old FSB-operative?
Just take one for the team, guys!
Like when conservatives think Homelander is actually a cool hero
Oh! I really like this idea. If I got just a half day extra per stretch, that would make taking the train much more enjoyable. Especially since I could take a train for less money outside of peak hours, and not deal with packed commuter lines.
Escooters are not eco friendly. The batteries burn through really quickly. E-assist bicycles and regular bicycles are by far the best option for public personal mobility.
In the same way, I assume, that universities and public institutions have a left-leaning bias.
Yep, it’s very clear. Far right parties are growing, conservatives are running after them trying to keep their voters by using more and more populist tactics, often crossing the line to keep up with far-right talking points, since they can’t keep their voters with their status-quo, corporations-first policies that they’ve been pushing for decades.
Almost explicitly so, free speech for those who want to scream the N-word and (shadow/) bans for pro-union posters and those critical of musk
Very much so, the Bavarian Conservative Party literally has gone to have talks with republicans to use their election strategies, the German-wide AgD has ramped up their Anti-LGBT campaigning and started to use similar messaging to far-right propaganda networks, e.g. “protect our children”, “pedophiles”, photoshopped images of CSAM at pride events, etc.
that’s such an interesting take on religious people forcing their beliefs on others: so what if they sin? Let your god take care of it, or do you think he’s too incompetent to deal with it himself?
Randomly refreshing webpage
What is it with almost every modern website constantly refreshing until it errors out on my phone? I always just assumed it was because I blocked trackers and they just gave up trying to display their cancerous page.
Hahaha what the fuck 10+ years in the IT industry and a life time of playing with parts and I’ve never seen this. Does HDMI even transfer power??